英语人>词典>英汉 : complicacies的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] complicacy的复数形式



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They are the reflection of the complicacies in nowadays TV media environment of China.


As the technology of power electronics develops, a lot of non-linear power electronic components are applied widely in the electric power system. The complicacies of electric power system structure also give rise to a series of problem.


With the increase of the complicacies and veracities of fault diagnosis about mechanical equipment, the old personal computer system of fault diagnosis and the system of fault diagnosis local based could not finish the diagnostic work well.


Previous solutions to these problems, such as topology conversion methods and forward-pointed arcs methods, not only have deficiencies of having high temporal and spatial complicacies, but also have shortcomings for the topological data difficult to be formed and be renewed in good time. This paper comes up with an Arc Topology Algorithm to solve one-way road prohibitions and turn penalties problems, and puts forth Azimuth Algorithm and Turn-angle Algorithm to solve nodal weight problem.


The complicacies of SI determine that the uses of many interpreting strategies or techniques like omission, addition and substitution will be inevitable, which has been touched upon in much SI literature.


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