英语人>词典>英汉 : complementary distribution的中文,翻译,解释,例句
complementary distribution的中文,翻译,解释,例句

complementary distribution

complementary distribution的基本解释


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Compared with the performance of the IEEE 802.16d standard, the IPR method achieves better Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function performance without BER performance degradation almost.

与IEEE 802.16d标准中峰均比性能相比,本文提出的方法能在几乎不损失系统BER性能的情况下,获得良好的互补累积分布函数性能。

The new upper bound on complementary cumulative distribution function of the PAPR of a band-limited OFDM signal is derived based on the level-crossing rate theory, and the Monte Carlo simulation of the PAPR distribution of a 16QAM-0FDM system with different subcarriers is carried out to test the tightness of the new upper bound.


Discovered that the verb mark and the verb infill words' semantic characteristic has the supplementary distribution complementary.


P/ and /Ph/ these two allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in complementary distribution.


Complementary distribution refers to the relationship between phonological variation, the same ...


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更多网络解释与complementary distribution相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function:互补累积分布函数

投资与贸易互补:Mutual complementary relationship of Investment and trade | 互补累积分布函数:Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function | 严格互补松弛条件:Strict complementary assumption

Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function:的全文例句

Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function的例句: | Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function的全文例句: | Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function的相关翻译词汇:

Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function:的例句

最小余能原理:least complementary principle | Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function的例句: | Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function的全文例句:

Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function:的相关翻译词汇

Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function的例句: | Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function的全文例句: | Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function的相关翻译词汇:

complementary distribution:互补分布

一个音位有些音不能出现在同一位置上,而各有各的特殊位置,这叫互补分布(complementary distribution). 实现一个音位的不同音叫音位变体(allophone). 要注意,学习英语发音时要弄清每个音位有哪些音位变体,各用在什么地方. 第二节讲音标和标音.

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