英语人>词典>英汉 : complementary angle的中文,翻译,解释,例句
complementary angle的中文,翻译,解释,例句

complementary angle

complementary angle的基本解释


更多网络例句与complementary angle相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, the question is a pentagon lacking an angle, thus you may choose an complementary angle in the given options.


However, the concept of the angle between a line and a plane is new to them, and it might be a challenge for them to convert the angle into its complementary angle that is easier to be found out.


The results show that the driving force angle and the pressure angle are complementary angle each other,i.e.α+δ=90°,the condition for pure rolling without sliding of toggle plate is δ≤φ and independen...


This kind of gyro uses twoposition force feedback balance method and complementary angle correction method to eliminate the effect of gyro constant drift to improve the precision of bearing calcuation .


An eyelike principle for the imaging at monofrequency, monoincidence and small imaging angle is proposed and an interesting complementary relation between the imaging angle and operation wave length for the inverse scattering is revealed.


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complementary angle:余角

演示课本中的图 通过直观、形象演示,引导学生观察,引入余角、补角概念 2、 探索活动 活动1:通过直观、形象演示,引导学生观察,引入余角、补角概念 如果两个角的和是直角,这两个的角叫做互为余角(complementary angle) 如果两个角的和是平角,

complementary angle:[数]余角

helm gear 舵机装置 | complementary angle [数]余角 | pinouts [电]插脚引线

complementary angle:余角 adjacent angle邻角

supplementary angles补角 | complementary angle余角 adjacent angle邻角 | acute angle锐角

complementary angle:补角

complement 船舶定员数配套 | complementary angle 补角 | complementary angles 互余角

Komplementwinkel complementary angle:余角

komplementaeres Ereignis complementary event 余事件 | Komplementwinkel complementary angle 余角 | komplex complex 复杂的

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