英语人>词典>英汉 : compensation的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

compensation [kɔmpen'seiʃən]


补偿, 赔偿金

  • Did you get any compensation when you were dismissed from your job?
  • 你被解雇时有没有拿到补助金?
  • Tom gave me a new knife as compensation for the one he lost.
  • 汤姆给了我一把新刀,算是赔偿那把被他丢失的刀。
  • The job is hard but the compensation is good.
  • 这个工作很辛苦,但报酬是高的。
  • Equal compensation should be given to men and women for equal work.
  • 男女同工应同酬。
更多 网络例句 与compensation相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The CCFG is a kind of economical activity with positive externality, its final products offered -the ecological benefits belong to the pure public goods, the nature of the economical compensation is to internalize the externality of the CCFG, so an economical compensation mechanism should be established with the government playing a leading role. The compensation receivers should be not only peasant households but also the county-level authority that performs the project. Besides central government, the compensation payers should still include the provincial-level governments who implement the project, the provincial-level governments of those beneficiary areas of midstream and downstream of basin, international organizations, enterprises and individuals, etc. Multiple channels of raising funds for the program should be worked out and the practice method should be transformed. Thediversified compensation ways should be chosen. In reality, insufficient compensation is the normality, the cost compensation may have more maneuverability. The decision-maker should carry on proper adjustment to the compensation standard, taking into account the factors about the environment conditions, the social-economic conditions, the ecological function of vegetation, etc. and make out different compensation criterions for different areas and different levels. The author puts forward it should be kept the policy of financial subsidies to the farmers who reforest ecological forest for a long term, should prolong the compensation time frameworks to the farmers who reforest economical forest.


According to the predecessors research on grazing grassland plant compensation and over compensation effect,the mechanism and affected factors of plant compensation and over compensation effect were analyzed,and the essence of compensation and over compensation was explained by using the growth tediousness theory.


The main content include: concept of compensation, classification of compensation, Marx Salary Theory, some forms of compensation, the functions of compensation, factors which may affect compensation and some relating inspiriting theories of compensation.


更多网络解释 与compensation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"最早诊断日期"(earliest diagnosed date) 指根据第24(1)(a)(i)条裁定的日期,而该日期可以说是某人开始患有肺尘埃沉着病的日期; (由1993年第54号第2条增补)"补偿"(compensation) 指本条例订定的补偿;




在国际法上,"战争赔偿"(reparation)和"受害赔偿"(compensation)虽然同属战败国对发动战争所应承担的国家责任的法定形式,但两者属于不同的法律范畴. "战争赔偿"是战败国对其因战争而给战胜国造成的损失的一种惩罚性补偿,


相互欣赏;家庭经济条件优越的学生会欣赏那些克服困难求学的学生、依赖性强的人更愿意与独立性强的人交朋友等等. 还有一种情况是,补偿作用(compensation)如一个看重成绩而自己成绩又不很理想的学生,更看重成绩优秀的学生.

compensation:abbr. comp; 高阶管理者薪酬

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