英语人>词典>英汉 : commodity money的中文,翻译,解释,例句
commodity money的中文,翻译,解释,例句

commodity money

commodity money的基本解释


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With the expansion of the field of commodity circulation, money is also further developed.


It is an economy category that contacts with photograph of commodity money economy.


We can measure the value of a commodity in terms of money, but the worth of health is hard to estimate.


This demand function has the property that the amount of money spent on commodity X is a constant sum.


At the same time cultural values of people are reconstructing by commodity and money rushing in everywhere.


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commodity money:商品货币

不过,笔者的"读者心得"是,作者也许有佛利民为史庇民原型的构想,但在写作过程中,加进了不少非佛利民的强项,比如认为"赛伊市场法则"(Say's Law of Market:"供应创造本身的需求")颠扑不破,对"商品货币"(commodity money)、广告效用及"对偶方法论"(methodological duali

commodity money:实物货币

也就是说,这个模型主要讨论的是实物货币(Commodity Money)而没有考虑纸币(Fiat Money). 实物货币既能作为交换媒介,又可作为消费品. 从这个模型可以知道物品的内在性能对此物品作为交换媒介究竟有多大影响,这对我们研究纸币有很大启示.

commodity money:商品化币(美)

商品交易所:commodity exchange | 商品化币(美):commodity money | 日用品|必需品:daily commodity

commodity money:商品货币;实物货币

commodity market 商品市场 | commodity money 商品货币;实物货币 | common property 公共财产;共有财产

l commodity money:商品货币

l division of labor 劳动分工 | l commodity money 商品货币 | l legal tender 法定货币

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