comment ['kɔment]
- comment的基本解释
评论, 注解, 批评, 备注
- He made a comment about the bad road.
- 他对这条糟糕的路发表评论。
- He made no comments on our proposal.
- 他对我们的建议没有作评论。
评论, 注解
- He did not comment on what I said.
- 他对我的话未作评论。
- 相似词
- 拼写相近单词
- commence
- commenceable
- commenced
- commencement
- commencer
- commences
- commencing
- commend
- commendable
- commendableness
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- commencement ceremony
- commend and award
- 更多 网络例句 与comment相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The marked price comment method, the unmarked price comment method, the mainstream reasonable low price comment method and the compositive comment method are unable to achieve the mutual recognition and to resolve the questions of the development of our country construction project bid. Though the lowest price comment method of western nation is accord with the rules of the market economy and have the scientific character and the practice feasibility,the method is not fit of the development actuality of the market economy and the development moment of the architecture industry, and unallowed to put in practice.
The process of management of comment is composed of four aspect of the general management of comment-base, the general management of grading item, the management of process of comment pre-establish and the management of final comment generation.
When a user selects entry of a comment on the menu information, a comment input form is displayed, and a comment entered in this form is stored in a database in correlation with identification information (drawing identification information) for a selected drawing or identification information (parts identification information) for a graphics primitive.
- 更多网络解释 与comment相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
哈吉犹豫了一会儿,还略带歉意地告诉记者,凡是前南教练带领的球队,他都不想评论什么. 记者很快意识到"评论"(comment)一词似乎有些生硬,在抛出"印象"(impression)一词后,气氛缓和了许多,本就健谈的哈吉打开了话匣子.
多稳态多谐振荡器 双稳态多谐运算元(oper and) 注解(comment) 标签(labe l) 操作码125. (3) 若要进行随意存取记忆体( RAM)测试时,下列那一组资料最适合?接记忆体存取式(D irectMemory Access) 握手式(Hand -Sh ak e) 向量中断式(Vector I nterrup t) 轮询式(Po lling) .
像处理指令中的名字与值) 属性名称 (如Binding) 属性值(例如hardcover) 处理指令 (Processing Instruction ) 处理指令(XML 宣告或自订的处理指令) 处理指令的目标(例如xml) 除了目标之外整个处理指令的内容(例如,Version "1.0") 批注(Comment) 批注 #comm
comment on:评论
* $comments: 当前文章的评论的阵列(comments)$post: 正在评论(comment on)的文章.$post: 正在评论(comment on)的文章.$post: 当前显示的文章. * $comments: 当前文章的评论的阵列(comments)$post: 正在评论(comment on)的文章.
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