英语人>词典>英汉 : collodion process的中文,翻译,解释,例句
collodion process的中文,翻译,解释,例句

collodion process

collodion process的基本解释




更多网络例句与collodion process相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Photograph was revolutionized in 1851 by the introduction of the collodion process for making glass negatives.


Gibbons is both a classical and regional photographer, an aspect that is note unusual as the wet collodion process requires one to carry the processing equipment into the field. It is also large:14×11 inches-the size of the camera.

Gibbons 是专业的古典摄影师,一方面关注的领域是可以达到湿版火棉胶摄影法需求的设备,同时也对:14×11英尺的相机很感兴趣。

The discovery made in 1851 by Frederick Scott Archer was a blessing since the new method termed the Collodion process called for just 2-3 seconds of light exposure to capture an image.


A blue filter. He then projected each of the three positives, with the three images superimposed, onto a white screen with each image projected through the same filter he had used in making the transparency. Maxwell was lucky in his demonstration; years later it was pointed out that the collodion process


Wet Plate Collodion Process.


更多网络解释与collodion process相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

wet plate collodion process:棉胶湿版法

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collodion process:火棉胶法,棉胶湿片法

collodion membrane ==> 火棉胶膜 | collodion process ==> 火棉胶法,棉胶湿片法 | colloform structure ==> 胶状构造

wet collodion process:湿珂珞酊法

wet cell 湿电池 | wet collodion process 湿珂珞酊法 | wet gas 湿气

wet collodion process:湿版法

"乾湿球湿度计","wet and dry hydrometer" | "湿版法","wet collodion process" | "水坞","wet dock"

wet collodion process:火棉胶湿版(片)制版法

wet collodion plate 湿版 | wet collodion process 火棉胶湿版(片)制版法 | wet colour 未干色