英语人>词典>英汉 : cokernel的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

cokernel ['kəukənəl]


上核, 余核

更多网络例句与cokernel相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, after the introduction of the basic concepts and the main results on K〓 theory, relative K〓 theory and the theory of classical groups of degree 2 which is related to K〓 theory, we study the problems of the computation of K〓 for the ring of integers of quadratic imaginary fields, examples of subrings of quadratic fields which are not universal for GE〓 and generating set of the Cokernel of the canonical homomorphism from K〓 to K〓.


更多网络解释与cokernel相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


coinduced topology 余导出拓扑 | cokernel 上核 | collect 收集


1734,"coinitial","共始的" | 1735,"cokernel","余核" | 1736,"colatitude","余纬度"

cokernel:上核, 余核

coker | 焦化设备, 炼焦器 | cokernel | 上核, 余核 | cokernut | 椰子

discontinuous cokernel:不连续余核

不连续的;间断的 discontinuous | 不连续余核 discontinuous cokernel | 不连续分布 discontinuous distribution

Kokern cokernel:上核

Koerpererweiterung field extension 体攗张 | Kokern cokernel 上核 | Kollineation collineation 直射变换

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