co-axial cable
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The cable now needs to contain 3 normal 24 gauge conductors and 1 small co-axial cable.
这种电缆需包含3个正规的24个XXX(3 normal 24 gauge 我也不明白)和一个小的同轴电缆。
Micable will provide high performance and low cost microwave co-axial cable assemblies for Chinese and global customers.
迈可博电子科技有限公司的成立是美国的高技术与中国的低制造成本完美的结合,通过美国SSI CABLE CORPORATION公司和福州伟博电讯有限公司在国际和中国的完善的市场营销网络,可以为全球的微波射频同轴电缆组件用户提供高性能、低成本的产品解决方案。
MICable Inc. is a high-tech enterprise formed by SSI CABLE CORPORATION of the USA to manufacture and sell microwave co-axial cable assemblies.
迈可博电子科技有限公司是美国SSI CABLE CORPORATION公司在华成立的生产经营微波射频同轴电缆组件的高新技术企业。
The optical fiber transmission techniques have been applied to a wired television transmission network, and replacing the long—distance cable backbone, and application of the co-axial cable advantages as of the transmission medium has formed a concept of Hybrid Fiber Coaxof the branch and going to-some place by distribution.
The establishment of MICable Inc. exhibits the ideal cooperation between US technology experience and China's low manufacturing cost. Micable will provide high performance andlow cost microwave co-axial cable assemblies for Chinese and global customers.
迈可博电子科技有限公司的成立是美国的高技术与中国的低制造成本完美的结合,通过美国SSI CABLE CORPORATION公司在中国完善的市场营销网络,可以为全球的微波射频同轴电缆组件用户提供高性能、低成本的产品解决方案。
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Co-axial Cable:同轴电缆
Circular Polarisation 圆偏振,圆形极化 | Co-axial Cable 同轴电缆 | dB 分贝
Video Co-axial Cable:视频电缆
Network Video Server, 网络视频服务器,简称NVS) | Video Co-axial Cable视频电缆 | Surveillance mainframe监控主机