英语人>词典>英汉 : close harmony的中文,翻译,解释,例句
close harmony的中文,翻译,解释,例句

close harmony

close harmony的基本解释


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Besides the material world and its substances, a spiritual world has to be in close harmony with them to achieve the goal.


If your desire is not pleasing you so much it only means that, for whatever reason, you have not yet achieved a close vibrational harmony with your desire.


Due to the close cooperation and harmony relationship of three departments, Hengyiyuan could excellently accomplish every project.


Nothing is more problematic for a small group of quite different, unique individuals than to live in close quarters, in close harmony with each other.

2: 让一小群差异巨大,个性十足的人和睦相处,紧邻而居是一件非常困难的事情。

Sylvans are graceful and patient souls who live in close harmony with the earth.


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更多网络解释与close harmony相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

close harmony:<音>密集和声

heat lightning 无雷声闪电 | close harmony 密集和声 | butt treatment 根段处理(一般用冷热槽法)

close harmony:密集和声

"紧复格","Close fugue" | "密集和声","Close harmony" | "紧模仿","Close imitation"

close harmony:别再发扬你的慈爱

1929 爱的大游行 The Love Parade | 1929 别再发扬你的慈爱 Close Harmony | 1929 双响屁 Double Whoopee

close harmony:密集和声、和弦上方三声部采取密集形式与低声部有较大间隔

75. close 结束句、终止 | 76. close harmony 密集和声、和弦上方三声部采取密集形式与低声部有较大间隔 | 77. coda 结尾乐段