英语人>词典>英汉 : clearly的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

clearly ['kliəli]


清楚地, 明朗地

  • He spoke so clearly that I could hear every word.
  • 他讲得非常清楚,每个字我都听得见。
  • Please speak more clearly, we can't hear you.
  • 请你说得再清楚些,我们听不见。
  • It was clearly a mistake.
  • 它显然是个错误。
  • That's clearly an excuse.
  • 那显然是个借口。
  • He was clearly mistaken.
  • 他显然弄错了。
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Results In 7 cases of odontoid process fracture, X-ray demonstrated 4 cases and CT demonstrated 5 cases, whereas the spiral CT reconstruction diagnosed 7 cases, which could display the displacement of fracture clearly. The X-ray and CT showed asymmetric space between left and right gaps of atlantoaxial joint in 6 cases, while spiral CT reconstruction showed normal and excluded the possibility of atlantoaxial dislocation. There was one case of lateral atlantoaxial joint dislocation, which was demonstrated by the spiral CT reconstruction clearly but not by the X-ray and CT scan. There were 3 cases of atlantoaxial congenital deformity (1 case of absence of both posterior arch of atlas and odontoid process and 2 cases of maldevelopment of the odontoid process), which were displayed clearly by spiral CT reconstruction, but misdiagnosed as odontoid process fracture and atlantoaxial subluxation by X-ray and CT scan.

结果 7例齿状突骨折中,X线显示4例,CT显示5例,CT重建确诊7例,且清楚显示骨折移位情况;6例X线、CT显示寰枢椎左右间隙不对称,通过CT重建排除寰枢关节半脱位;寰枢外侧关节脱位1例,CT重建可清楚显示,而X线片和CT平扫均未能显示;寰枢椎畸形3例,分别为齿状突、后弓缺如1例,齿状突发育不良2例,CT重建均能清楚显示,而X线、CT均误诊为齿状突骨折、寰枢椎半脱位。

When we read sentences like I want this clearly to be understood, we may suspect that the placement of clearly is the result of an effort to avoid the construction to be clearly understood, under the misapprehension that the latter involves a split infinitive.

当我们读到诸如此类的句子我想要这被清楚地理解时,我们可能会怀疑clearly 这一词的位置是避免使用 to be clearly understood 这一结构的结果,这是认为后者包括分裂不定式的误解。

Compared with standard images,bony images showed bony thorax more clearly,especially the ribs overlapped by heart and the subphrenic structures,and soft tissue images showed lung lesions more clearly.Conclusion DR energy subtraction chest films can show rib fracture and lung lesions clearly,and it is of diagnostic value for the patients of chest trauma and small lung lesions.

我院于2004年5月引进了美国GE公司生产的RevolutionTMXR/d型双板数字放射摄影系统(digital radiography,DR),该系统具有双能减影功能,对160例胸部外伤或肺部疾病患者进行了DR能量减影胸部后前位X线摄影检查,分别获得标准影像、软组织影像和骨骼影像,摄影质量好,有较大的临床应用价值。

更多网络解释 与clearly相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


瑞士资源集团(CRG) 岗位评价因素2、关键业绩指标(KPI)的提炼沟通(COMMUNICATE)的黄金原则C--清楚地(CLEARLY)表达你的要求/指令O--公开(OPEN)讨论M--记录(MAKE)U--评论(UMPIRE)这些信息N--不要(NEVER)假设C--跟踪 (CHASE)反映


当然:这里是'显然'(Clearly)的意思. 在院子里:这里的"院子"最好按'露天'(in the open air)理解,英文的yard在backyard里跟中文"后院"里的"院"对应,其他时候往往不对应. 就是:这里隐含'阅读材料'(the reading material)作为主语.




能写出这么长的story | 更难得还能表述clearly | 促使我重新再背vocabulary

clearly indicate:明确

明细分类帐 subsidiary ledger | 明确 clearly indicate | 没收 confiscate

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