英语人>词典>英汉 : cleaner的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

cleaner ['kli:nə]


[变形] clean的比较级


清洁工人, 清洁剂

  • The shop repairs vacuum cleaners.
  • 这家店修理吸尘器。
  • He was taken to the cleaners in a card game last night.
  • 他昨晚玩纸牌输得精光。
  • Take your clothes to the cleaner.
  • 将你的衣服送到洗衣店。
adj. clear · clean
更多 网络例句 与cleaner相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

States under the Sky Fling international co., Ltd., is a professional manufactory of car care products, we offer many kinds of car care products, including the auto under coating, glare professional polish, chipping rubber, engine surface degreaser, oil treatment, super oil treatment, pitch cleaner, 3 minutes motor flush, de-rust lubricating spray, car refrigerant, panel cleaner, multi-purpose foam cleaner, tyre foam cleaner, carburetor cleaner, glass cement, multi-purpose seal gum, seal gum for the sheet matel, radiator flusher, antifreeze, windshield cleaner, leather vinyl rubber protectant, Deluxe hard wax, Deluxe colour back wax and so on.


States under the Sky Fling international co., Ltd., is a professional manufactory of car care products, we offer many kinds of car care products, including the auto under coating, glare professional polish, chipping rubber, engine surface degreaser, oil treatment, super oil treatment, pitch cleaner, 3 minutes motor flush, de-rust lubricating spray, car refrigerant, panel cleaner, multi-purpose foam cleaner, tyre foam cleaner, carburetor cleaner, glass cement, multi-purpose seal gum, seal gum for the sheet matel, radiator flusher, antifreeze, windshield cleaner, leather vinyl rubber protectant, Deluxe hard wax, Deluxe colour back wax and so on.


States under the Sky Fling international co., Ltd., is a professional manufactory of car care products, we offer many kinds of car care products, including the auto under coating, glare professional polish, chipping rubber, engine surface degreaser, oil treatment, super oil treatment, pitch cleaner, 3 minutes motor flush, de-rust lubricating spray, car refrigerant, panel cleaner, multi-purpose foam cleaner, tyre foam cleaner, carburetor cleaner, glass cement, multi-purpose seal gum, seal gum for the sheet matel, radiator flusher, antifreeze, windshield cleaner, leather vinyl rubber protectant, Deluxe hard wax, Deluxe colour back wax and so on.


更多网络解释 与cleaner相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


本公司自 1959 年成立至今 ,已经四十多年历史 ,多年来一直竭诚为电子工业及成衣业服 务,自 1972 年 起,本公司代理美国凯斯特 ( K E S T E R ) 全纟列产品,包括有锡膏 (SOLDER PASTE)、锡线 (SOLDER WIRE)、锡条 (SOLDER BAR)、助焊剂 (FLUX) 及清洗剂 (CLEANER) 等 .


指通过食掉以清除其他种动物体上的寄生虫、皮屑以及有机物尘芥物等的"清洁工"(cleaner),与被侍者(customer)间的共生关系. 熟知的例子有鱼类中的某种海猪鱼那样的"清洁工"与"被待者"的大型鱼、猬虾与鱼、鳄鹬、啄牛与鳄或大型哺乳类等.


暑假到KFC打工英语作文Joozone Editors Note:你在2011年暑假到一家KFC快餐店做清洁员(cleaner)工作,你每天工作7小时,为期3个月,这项工作辛苦而且枯燥,并使你感到非常疲惫,这几乎使你半途放弃.


美国求购家用吸尘器(cleaner) 意大利求购家用吸尘器(cleaner) 加拿大求购吸尘器(CLEANER) 更多免费CLEANER买家 更多免

air cleaner:空气滤清器

求购油底盘 (OIL PAN), 正时链条壳 (TIMING CHAIN COVER), 空气滤清器(AIR CLEANER), 气门套 (VALVE COVER) 配件. 产品是属于CHEVROLET (雪佛兰)汽车所配发动机部件. 有图片参考,详细的规格欢迎来电或来函查询 !

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