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city wall的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

city wall

city wall的基本解释


更多网络例句与city wall相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Ancient City Wall: The majestic circumvallation is the most spectacular place of interest in Xian. The city wall has a history of 1,400 years since the Sui and Tang dynasties.

古城墙:西安城墙位于西安市中心区,是明代初年在唐长安城的皇城基础上建筑起来的,呈长方形,墙高12米,底宽18米,顶宽15米,东墙长2590米,西墙长2631.2米,南墙长3441.6米,北墙长3241米,总周长13.74 公里。

The protection of Ming s city wall and peripheral location ( inner circumferential district of Xi an City Wall ) is an important component of the protection of historic heritage sauvegarde.


The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape, covers an area of 72 hectares, with 52 meters wide moat and 10 meters high city wall surrounded, each corner of the city wall built a watch tower, which was heavily guarded in the old days.


更多网络解释与city wall相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Forbidden City, China:中国故宫

Great Wall, China 中国长城 | Forbidden City, China 中国故宫 | Tiananmen Square, China 中国天安门广场

a well-kept city wall:(一堵)保护很好的城墙

a warm colour 暖色 | a well-kept city wall (一堵)保护很好的城墙 | a wildlife park 野生动物园

city-wide settlement of accounts:同城结算

city-owned utility ==> 城市公用事业 | city-wall brick ==> 城墙砖 | city-wide settlement of accounts ==> 同城结算