英语人>词典>英汉 : circumambulating的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] circumambulate的现在分词


绕行, 巡行, 拐弯抹角地说


绕行, 巡行, 拐弯抹角地说

更多网络例句与circumambulating相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moreover, if we were to think that reciting the Buddha's name is not yet No-Thought, then, when high-ranking Zen masters are meditating on a koan, preaching the Dharma, or, at times, reciting sutras, genuflecting, seeking repentance, or circumambulating,, are they therefore not practicing Zen?

此外,如果我们认为背诵佛的名字还不是没有思想,那么,当高层禅宗大师沉思的公案,宣扬佛法,或者,有时背诵经文, genuflecting ,忏悔,或circumambulating ,,他们因此不练禅?

According to the standard of route selection, method of selecting circumambulating route is given.


The high level used station-behavior pair reinforcement learning to learn the circumambulating direction according to the obstacles.


The influence on vehicles after traffic accident happen in urban road net is analyzed in this paper. According to the degree of the accident, the capacity of the accident point is determined. The formula of travel time after accident when traffic demand upriver exceed the capacity of the accident point is given based on the dynamic law of waiting queue, which is regarded as the gist of circumambulating or not.
