英语人>词典>英汉 : cinnamon stone的中文,翻译,解释,例句
cinnamon stone的中文,翻译,解释,例句

cinnamon stone

cinnamon stone的基本解释

肉桂石, 桂榴石

更多网络例句与cinnamon stone相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With brown soil and leached cinnamon soil mainly high mountains and steep slope of the Department of stone replaced by bone earth.


Treatments include Thai massage, Healing Stone therapy, Shiatsu, Swedish massage, Egyptian reflexology, the local dagdagay foot massage, cinnamon or tamarind body treatment and exotic facials with green tea, lotus flower and orchid extracts.

治疗方法包括泰式按摩,药石疗法, Shiatsu ,瑞典按摩,埃及按摩,当地dagdagay足部按摩,肉桂或望身体治疗和异国情调的脸部与绿茶,莲花和兰花精华。

更多网络解释与cinnamon stone相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cinnamon stone:铁钙铝榴石,桂榴石

辰砂 cinnabarite | 铁钙铝榴石,桂榴石 cinnamon stone | 含硅胶磷矿 ciplyte

cinnamon stone:钙铝榴石

辰砂 cinnabarite | 钙铝榴石 cinnamon stone | 坚柱珊瑚 Cionodendron

cinnamon stone:肉桂石 桂榴石

cinnamon spirit | 肉桂精 肉桂酊 | cinnamon stone | 肉桂石 桂榴石 | cinnamon tree | 桂皮

cinnamon stone:肉桂石

日光石 sunstone 8 | 肉桂石 cinnamon stone 5 | 软水紫晶 soft amethyst 15

essonite; cinnamon stone; hessonite:铁钙铝榴石

碱辉辉石玢岩 essexite pyroxene porphyrite | 铁钙铝榴石 essonite; cinnamon stone; hessonite | 潮讯 establishment