英语人>词典>英汉 : cinnamic aldehyde的中文,翻译,解释,例句
cinnamic aldehyde的中文,翻译,解释,例句

cinnamic aldehyde

cinnamic aldehyde的基本解释

[化] 肉桂醛

更多网络例句与cinnamic aldehyde相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The rectification device provided to Dexinhang Essence/Spice Company by us is not only used for the production of 97% natural citral, but also for separating out more than 98% natural cinnamic aldehyde and the production of other natural and compound essence with a good versatility.


Methods: 60 freshly extracted , single-rooted premolars were randomly divided into two experimental groups (cinnamic aldehyde, gallnut decoction) and four control group (FC group, calcium hydroxide mixed with propylene glycol group, negative the control group and positive control group),.

选取60颗新鲜拔除的单根管前磨牙,随机分为2个实验组和4个对照组( FC 组、氢氧化钙丙二醇糊剂组、阴性对照组和阳性对照组),每组10颗牙。

Objective: To Determine the content of Cinnamic aldehyde in Guifu Dihuang Pill by HPLC, and to establish the quality standard of Guifu Dihuang pill.


And cinnamic aldehyde and cinnamic acid were extracted from cinnamon by MAE using water and ethanol as solvents and were analyzed by HPLC method.


The inhibition effect of cinnamic aldehyde and its synergistic inhibition effect with cinnamic aldehyde on corrosion of NX60 carbon steel were investigated by using poteniodynamic scan technique.


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更多网络解释与cinnamic aldehyde相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cinnamaldehyde; cinnamic aldehyde:桂皮醛;肉桂醛

"cinnabar glaze","辰砂釉" | "cinnamaldehyde; cinnamic aldehyde","桂皮醛;肉桂醛" | "cinnamic acid ","桂皮酸;肉桂酸"

cinnamic aldehyde:肉桂醛

信息描述:化学成分: 肉桂醛(Cinnamic Aldehyde),丁香酚(Eugenol),水芹烯(Phellandrene),浓缩单宁酸(Condensed Tannins) 皮肤疗效:对皮肤有温和、收剑效果,紧实松垮组织,消除疣类,淡化斑点、防皱、去黄气.

cinnamic aldehyde:桂皮醛

油中主要成分是广藿香酮(Pogostone)和广藿香醇(Patchouli alcohol). 其他成分有苯甲醛(Benzaldehyde)、丁香油酚(Eugenol)、桂皮醛(Cinnamic aldehyde)等. 药理作用:1. 抗真菌作用:实验证明,藿香煎剂(8%~15%)在试管内对许兰

cinnamic aldehyde:桂醛

cinnamic alcohol 肉桂醇 | cinnamic aldehyde 桂醛 | Cinnamomum petrophilum oil 岩桂油

cinnamic aldehyde:桂皮醛;肉桂醛

桂皮醇,肉桂醇 cinnamic alcohol | 桂皮醛,肉桂醛 cinnamic aldehyde | 桂皮油,肉桂油 cinnamic oil

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