英语人>词典>英汉 : cinecamera的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

cinecamera ['sini,kæmərə]



更多网络例句与cinecamera相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ink flowing proceduce in glass capillary clearnance under vibration and no vibration condition is recorded by using consecutive photography and cinecamera .

文 中采用了连续拍摄及电影拍摄的方法,记录了墨水在振动和不振动条件下在玻璃毛细间隙中的流动过程。

With literature of montage unreal to take, cinecamera visual angle imperceptibly influence, space-time framework superb for is it order to perspect, announce the film infiltration and nutriment of Zhang Ailings novel.


Special atte ntion is paid to evalu ating the principal trends and the representative figures and their works in mak ing anthropological films since cinecamera was invented, while much attention is paid to the influence of the development of cinecamera technology upon the prod uce of films and the sty...


Methods and steps: With a Mega speed 25k high-speed cinecamera (100Hz), a AMTI force platform (1000Hz) and Biovision EMG (1000Hz) to capture methods were synchronized by the action to come to a complete stop.

方法与步骤:以一部Mega speed 25k 高速摄影机(100Hz)、一台AMTI测力板(1000Hz)与Biovision肌电仪(1000Hz)以同步方法撷取受试者由坐到站之完整动作。

更多网络解释与cinecamera相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cinearteriography 动脉电影照像术 | cinecamera (小型)电影摄影机 | cinecolour 彩色电影


cindersnapper渣口工 | cinecamera电影摄影机 | cinecameralens活动摄影机镜头

cinecamera:电影摄影机 小型电影摄影机

cineangiography血管活动摄影术 | cinecamera电影摄影机 小型电影摄影机 | cine-camera电影照相机


stillcamera照相机 | cinecamera电影机 | televisioncamera电视像机

synchronized cinecamera:同步电影摄影机

synchronized asynchronous motor 同步化的异步电动机 | synchronized cinecamera 同步电影摄影机 | synchronized indicator 同步指示器

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