英语人>词典>英汉 : chessman的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

chessman ['tʃesmən]



更多网络例句与chessman相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The game has three basic function modules to realize the fundamental operation of combat between players and mobile phones. The first module is the design of login interface, including an invisible list for the choice of players. The second one is the detailed operation of chessman during the game, including the choice of place for the next moving, design of chessman and renewal of interface, and the choice of players. This part enables the calculation control of chessman outside the interface and the overlap problems, and enables the intelligent control of combating mobile phones. The third one is the control of game exit. It checks the game condition and judges whether it is finished, and then analyzes to get the result who is the winner.


Win, lose and draw: When one side's chessman threatens the other's "king", that the next step of the chessman will capture the other's "king", it is called "check".

四、 胜、负、和棋胜负:当一方的棋子威胁对方的"王"时,即下一步就可以把对方的"王"吃掉时,称为"将军"。

Upgrade of the pawn: When the pawn reaches the bottom line of the opponent, it may become any chessman except itself and the king, it may turn into any chessman among Queen, Rook, Knight, Bishop, or Cannon, and the change type is to be determined by the player, but the change must be undertaken.


更多网络解释与chessman相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


角色构成"被讲述的故事"(the story being told)是可能的,但如果角色仅是讲述故事之游戏中的棋子(chessman),它并不处于版权赋予的保护范围之内. 即使Hammett将其在Falcon中的全部权利转让,这种转让并不阻止其将其中的角色应用在其他的故事之中.


buzzer信号手 | chessman棋手 | hackbuteer火枪手

chessman:棋子 (名)

chessboard 棋盘 (名) | chessman 棋子 (名) | chessmaster 象棋高手 (名)