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It is characterised by attaching more importance to the development of people in organizations.


For this reason, the Bodhisattva sees that all things are characterised by having nothing that can be possessed.


For, it is of the greatest importance to remember, that hast characterised all that was done.


They are characterised by beautiful colors, and detailed imagery.


Opened in 2009, this modern hotel is characterised by its minimalist design and the use of natural light.

住客评语反映的是 Booking.com的客人在酒店住宿后对该酒店的个人意见和看法。

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更多网络解释与characterised相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


rowing trips 划船旅行 | characterised 特色 | absurd fantasy 荒谬的幻想


"prototypes","模范" | "characterised","具有...的特徵" | "variety","多样化"

eventually enters a state known as ketosis, characterised:终于进入状态称为酮、特色

If carbohydrate intake is kept low enough however, one如果保持... | eventually enters a state known as ketosis, characterised终于进入状态称为酮、特色 | by a measurable increase of ketones in the bloodst...

Hong Kong's education has long been characterised by teaching to the test:香港的教育制度一向为考试而设

香港非典型肺炎已过高峰期. Hong ... | 香港的教育制度一向为考试而设. Hong Kong's education has long been characterised by teaching to the test. | 香港实行民主选举的历史不长. Hong Kong's history of dem...