英语人>词典>英汉 : chain shot的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
chain shot的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

chain shot

chain shot的基本解释


更多网络例句与chain shot相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Qingdao Hill-Machinery Manufacturing Co. foundry major production and marketing machinery, textile machinery, including the adoption of steel profile surface treatment line, hook, hanging chain, turntable, Car-throw shot peening cleaning machine, various Mixer , Sand dust production lines and environmental equipment.


Production of transport facilities major categories: traffic signs, construction-oriented brand, LED warning signs, manual parking lock, remote control parking lock, blocking vehicles, and road piles, railing, bicycle stand, construction lights, the arrow lights, rotating police-style lights, reported flashing lights, chain shot, sign posts, warning chain, road cone, slowdown belt, wheel locator, security angle, and collision avoidance barrels, software alerts columns, spike, marked contour,, police box, three-dimensional garage.


更多网络解释与chain shot相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chain shot:链锁弹

chain reactor 链式堆 | chain shot 链锁弹 | chain smoker 连续抽烟的人

chain shot:将两发炮弹用短锁链相连,曾在海战中用于对敌人船只的制御装置造成更大的破坏

Careen 倾侧以便整理为清扫、捻缝或修理,将船倾侧. | Chain Shot 将两发炮弹用短锁链相连,曾在海战中用于对敌人船只的制御装置造成更大的破坏. | Chase 追逐其它船只,也指被追逐的船只.

chain shot:一排子彈軍事軍火

5468一掃而清;一掃而光成語英美片語成語to make a clean sweep of | 5469一排子彈軍事軍火chain shot | 5470一望而知的;明顯的成語英美片語成語open-and-shut

shot of chain:一节锚链

shot of a cable 一节链 | shot of chain 一节锚链 | shot peening 弹射增韧

shot of chain:锚链一节(通常噚)(呎或公尺)

短炼环 short link | 锚链一节(通常噚)(呎或公尺) shot of chain | 水线肩部,根面(焊接) shoulder

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