英语人>词典>英汉 : chain shop的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
chain shop的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

chain shop

chain shop的基本解释


更多网络例句与chain shop相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wang plans to star in 2005 amounted to 1,000 stores, focus on large and medium-sized cities throughout the country, forming an important market for products Haiwang resources. January 1996, Wang and stars to join the U.S. chain drugstore Association, became the first Chinese Association members; June 2000, and Beijing Tongrentang Group, combining the strengths and opened its first shop in Shenzhen Beijing Tongrentang and stars; 2002 6 , And the world's first franchise chain Medicine Shoppe pharmaceutical companies and the United States Investment Group signing, has made the Chinese Medicine Shoppe franchise, marks the first international brands to enter the Chinese pharmaceutical chain.

海王星辰计划到2005年门店数达1000家,遍布全国重点大中城市,形成海王产品的重要市场资源。1996年1月,海王星辰加入美国连锁药店协会,成为该协会第一个中国会员;2000年6月,与北京同仁堂集团强强联手,开设了第一家深圳北京同仁堂星辰药店;2002年6月,与全球排名第一的特许经营医药连锁Medicine Shoppe公司和美国投资集团签约,取得了Medicine Shoppe中国特许经营权,标志着第一个国际医药连锁品牌进入中国。

After years of diligency hardworking, Sunshine Century has accumulated powerful competitive strength and complete department resource.With the support of our advanced technology,Sunshine has got excellent prestige in the field and kept a good cooperated relationship with top brand glasses chain shop、jewellery shop、costume shop、cosmetic shops、watches suppliers、brand agents、famouse mall and brand chain stores.


The chain shop, Routing, issued RMB10000 life membership cards to victims around 2005 but later changed the shop's name to Shiting and reneged on honoring the membership promises.


更多网络解释与chain shop相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

multiple shop,chain store:联号

药房 chemist's (shop) drug store | 联号 multiple shop chain store | 厕所 lavotory washroom

chain store; multiple shop:连锁店

礼品店 souvenir shop; gift shop | 连锁店 chain store; multiple shop | 露天商店 street stall; open-air stall

souvenir shop; gift shop:礼品店

乐器店 musical instrument store | 礼品店 souvenir shop; gift shop | 连锁店 chain store; multiple shop