英语人>词典>英汉 : certificate of incorporation的中文,翻译,解释,例句
certificate of incorporation的中文,翻译,解释,例句

certificate of incorporation

certificate of incorporation的基本解释

[经] 公司登记执照, 公司注册证

更多网络例句与certificate of incorporation相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The execution and performance of this Agreement will not violate or conflict with any provision of the certificate of incorporation or by-laws of the Company.


The Chinese Consulate General shall authenticate the copy of the renewed certificate of incorporation of the parent company.


A copy of Certificate of Incorporation in respect of the corporation.


Identity Card or passport or Certificate of Incorporation (if the registered owner is a limited company).


Copy of Certificate of Incorporation and subsequent certificate of change of name, if any


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certificate of incorporation:公司注册证书

[MarketWatch纽约12月10日讯]霍尼韦尔国际公司(HON)周一宣布,准备修改其公司注册证书(Certificate of Incorporation),以允许拥有25%以上普通股的股东召集特别股东会议.

certificate of incorporation:注册证书

华谊国际控股(BVI)曾为发行人关联方,系王忠军和王忠磊合计 持股58.56%的公司,该公司的基本情况为: 华谊国际控股(BVI)系根据英属维尔京群岛的法律于2004 年10 月11 日注 册成立, 目前持有注册号为"618438" 的公司注册证书( certificate of incorporation).

certificate of incorporation:营业执照

所以在新公司成立时,应该将该签字人的名字放在营业执照(certificate of Incorporation)上作为董事成员之一(director of board of directors). 现在移民局还要求递上几张办公室的照片. 第二点:"被调转人员"必须在过去三年中(指申请之时算起)在外国公司受雇整整一年.

certificate of incorporation:公司注册证

caveat emptor 购者自慎 | certificate of incorporation 公司注册证 | certificate of origin 产地来源证;来源证

Certificate of Incorporation No:公司注册证书编号

Corporate Chinese Name 公司中文名称: | Certificate of Incorporation No. 公司注册证书编号: | Business Registration No. 商业登记编号: Country of Incorporation注册成立地点:

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