英语人>词典>英汉 : cellulose nitrate的中文,翻译,解释,例句
cellulose nitrate的中文,翻译,解释,例句

cellulose nitrate

cellulose nitrate的基本解释

[化] 硝酸纤维素

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Parkesine was based on cellulose nitrate and is generally accepted as the first plastic.


Cellulose nitrate was obtained via nitration of cellulose using the mixture of sulfuric acid and nitric acid.

利用粘度法测定了制备的硝酸纤维素的分子量为1.3×10~5 g·mol~(-1)。

A cellulose nitrate used as a component of smokeless powder.


This research's goal is develops one kind of high performance the emulsion cellulose nitrate lustre-coating agent, while maintains the resolver superiority enhances the emulsion stability.


The cellulose nitrate containing secondary amine group was prepared by one-pot method in two steps: etherification and amination.

以硝化纤维素为原料,经一锅法醚化和胺化 2步反应合成了仲胺型硝化纤维素。

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更多网络解释与cellulose nitrate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cellulose nitrate:硝酸纤维素

如亲水性的硝酸纤维素(Cellulose nitrate)滤膜,适合用于水溶性样品;亲脂性的醋酸纤维素(Cellulose acetate)滤膜,适合用于含高浓度醇类的样品;抗生素类药品可采用对抗生素吸附作用较低的滤膜.

cellulose nitrate:硝酸纤维

硝酸纤维(cellulose nitrate)径迹侦检器(track detector)为法国柯达公司出品,型号为LR-115,Type Ⅱ,这种侦检器对於α粒子的灵敏度良好,侦测片的面积可大可小.

cellulose nitrate:硝化纤维素

他无意间在玻璃瓶内铺上一层硝化纤维素(Cellulose nitrate),之后发现玻璃瓶跌在地上后裂而不破. 他想把有塑胶夹层的玻璃应用在汽车的挡风玻璃上,以减少汽车意外所造成的伤亡. 夹层玻璃最初用于第一次世界大战时所生产的防毒面具. 1936年后,

cellulose nitrate:硝化纤维

cellulose 纤维素 | cellulose nitrate 硝化纤维 | celsius scale 摄氏温标

CN Cellulose nitrate:硝酸纤维素

cmc:carboxymethyl cellulose:羧甲基纤维素 | cn:cellulose nitrate:硝酸纤维素 | cp:cellulose propionate:丙酸纤维素

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