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celestial guidance的中文,翻译,解释,例句

celestial guidance

celestial guidance的基本解释

[电] 天堂引导

更多网络例句与celestial guidance相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Star pattern identification algorithm based on convex polygon with star magnitudes-independent is presented for strap-down celestial guidance.


The star has always been a foundation stone of logo design, rife with symbology that varies from jingoistic federalism to quality and celestial guidance.


Begin from 2008, grand celestial bodies designs the guidance of association in reconnaissance of construction ministry China, inside associated industry homebred software firm, prepare to construct " homebred software user is allied ".


As reported, the celestial guidance of single-star scheme can correct initial localization, orientation errors and constant drifts of gyro in mobile launching ballistic missile, while we consider that the scheme can only compensate for partial constant gyro drift .


By the late 1970s, the PRC had made breakthrough in a number of SLBM-associated technologies, including the lightweight nuclear warhead (600~700kg) developed by 14 Nuclear Institute; the guidance system developed by 717 Shipbuilding Institute; the onboard computer was developed by 771 Space Institute; the solid-propellant rocket motor by 4th Space Academy, the SLBM launch system developed by 701 Shipbuilding Institute, the inertial/celestial/satellite guidance system developed by 707 Shipbuilding Institute.


更多网络解释与celestial guidance相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

celestial inertial guidance:天文惯性导引

"celestial horizon","天球地平" | "celestial inertial guidance","天文惯性导引" | "celestial intercept","天文截矩"

celestial inertial guidance:天文惯性导航

celestial ultraviolet telescope ==> 紫外天文望远镜 | celestial-inertial guidance ==> 天文惯性导航 | celiac artery compression syndrome ==> 腹腔动脉压迫综合征

celestial guidance:天文制导

cease fire line 停火线 | celestial guidance 天文制导 | cell 特工小组

celestial guidance:天文导航

celestial globe ==> 天球仪,浑象 | celestial guidance ==> 天文导航 | celestial horizon ==> 天球地平,天球地平圈

celestial guidance:天文导引

"celestial globe","星象仪;天球仪;浑天仪" | "celestial guidance","天文导引" | "celestial horizon","天球地平"

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