英语人>词典>英汉 : ceiling hook的中文,翻译,解释,例句
ceiling hook的中文,翻译,解释,例句

ceiling hook

ceiling hook的基本解释

天栅灯钩, 吊灯钩

更多网络例句与ceiling hook相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Therefore, it is necessary for proper ceiling and ceiling hook line processing.


She saw that the tape went up to the ceiling, over a hook, and hanging from it was a key.


Put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling.


In the middle of the room is a ladder,- leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling.


BAGHDAD -- The Mahdi Army fighters recalled dragging the 25-year-old man into a dark house where, while verses were chanted from the Koran, he was hanged from a hook in the ceiling.


更多网络解释与ceiling hook相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ceiling hook:尖钩

ceiling height 吊顶高度 | ceiling hook 尖钩 | ceiling jet 顶棚射流

ceiling hook:尖型消防钩

ceiling fan 吊扇 | ceiling hook 尖型消防钩 | ceiling light 舱顶灯

ceiling hook:天栅灯钩, 吊灯钩

ceiling height || 上升限度, 升限(高度) | ceiling hook || 天栅灯钩, 吊灯钩 | ceiling insulator || 天棚绝缘子

ceiling hook:灏栧瀷娑堥槻閽

ceiling fan 鍚婃墖 | ceiling hook 灏栧瀷娑堥槻閽 | ceiling light 鑸遍<<鐏

ceiling suspension hook:天花吊钩

ceiling slab 天花板 | ceiling suspension hook 天花吊钩 | cellar 地窖

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