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categorical imperative的中文,翻译,解释,例句

categorical imperative

更多 网络例句 与categorical imperative相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the categorical knowledge representation and improving the completeness of categorical knowledge pieces,we present a knowledge reasoning method using the categorical construction of analogical functors and pushouts,through knowledge association and deduction,to achieve the supplements of objects and morphisms.This dissertation proposes a similarity measure method for decision-making knowledge acquisition based on greatest common subcategory,and this method calculates the similarity between knowledge pieces from the perspectives of objects,morphisms,types and type categories.A knowledge merging method and the measure of multiple knowledge pieces merging are also presented.


Categorical data types apply categorical theory to discuss the construction and application of data types, generalize the abstract data types and play an active role in the theories of parallel calculation.


We found that individual sensorimotor neurons in freely behaving swamp sparrows expressed categorical auditory responses to changes in note duration, a learned feature of their songs, and that the neural response boundary accurately predicted the categorical perceptual boundary measured in field studies of the same sparrow population.


更多网络解释 与categorical imperative相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Categorical Imperative:绝对命令

这一概念的踪迹可见于每一种义务的道德当中,从那些严重依赖自我利益的义务的道德,到那些立基于"绝对命令"(Categorical Imperative)的高尚要求. 每当一项对义务的诉求需要为自己寻找正当化理据的时候,它总是会求助于某种类似于互惠原则的东西.

Categorical Imperative:无上命令

康德关切的是人如何运用实践理性来指认出无上命令(categorical imperative),然后依无上命令来行动;效益论者则主张我们须有能力来判断什麼是会产生最大效益(utility)的行为、准则、制度或政策,一旦判断出来,我们就应依这理性的判断来做为.

Categorical Imperative:定言命令

出于其批判哲学的进路和对理性的划分,康德把道德(法则)界说为人的实践理性中的"定言命令"(categorical imperative). 基于其元伦理学(meta-ethics)的理论建构,斯蒂文森(RichardL.Stevenson)把道德视作为知识领域之外的某种"态度".

Categorical Imperative:(范畴上的当为(绝对的命令)

Catechumens (要理讲习班学员) | Categorical Imperative (范畴上的当为(绝对的命令)) | Cathari (迦特利派)