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cat cradle的中文,翻译,解释,例句

cat cradle

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The song was called "Cat's in the Cradle."


The fiction "Cat's Cradle" explores issues of science, technology, and religion, satirizing the arms race and many other targets along the way.


His novels include Cat's Cradle(1963) and ''.


Cat's cradle is one of the most universal games in the world. It is played in almost every culture.


China has been drawn into a cat's cradle of regional and sub-regional co-operation.


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更多网络解释与cat cradle相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cat's in the cradle:在摇篮里的猫

10 Home of the blues 忧伤之家 | 11 Cat's in the cradle 在摇篮里的猫 | 12 Wanted man 通缉犯

Cat's in the cradle:(搖籃裡的貓)

1 Cat's In The Cradle(搖籃裡的貓) Judy Collins | 2 Kingdom Come(天國降臨) Jody Collins | 3 Silly Little Diddle(瞎搞一通) Tom Rush

Cat's Cradle:猫的摇篮

现年79岁的冯内果,著名作品有<<第五号屠宰场>>(Slaughterhouse Five)、<<猫的摇篮>>(Cat's Cradle)等,着有十多本小说和许多的短文、评论,极受好评;曾被许多作家公认为美国现代科幻小说之父,而英国作家格雷安.葛林(Graham Greene)亦曾公开推崇他为"美国当代最好的作家之一".

Cat's Cradle:翻线戏,翻绳儿,挑绷子

翻墙攀屋的窃贼,飞贼/cat burglar | 翻线戏,翻绳儿,挑绷子/cat's cradle | 翻线戏/string figure

Cat's Cradle:错杂,纷繁

错过可望成功的事/miss a bet | 错杂,纷繁/cat's cradle | 搭并的羊毛/veiled wool

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