cat cradle
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As melancholy as a catsick as a cat as weak as a cat (=as weak as water) barber's cat bear cat bell the cat blowing cat Cheshire cat copy cat dead cat Dog my cats! enough to make a cat laugh enough to make a horse laugh enough to make a cat speak fat cat fight like Kilkenny cats flog the cat grin like a Cheshire cat Has the cat got your tongue?
I would add,"Even if it is a crippled cat, an one-eyed cat, a lisping cat, a bald cat or any kind of a cat, if it can catch mice and keep itself alive, it is a hero cat!"
As to the problem that the top apron cradle of carbon fiber is of complicated structure and high requirement of elasticity plus difficult cleaning, to upgrade quality of yarn, an introduction is made to the flat top apron cradle RS-6939 regarding its features. Through spinning practice with 100% long fiber cotton J 7.3 tex, J 4.9 tex, 100% fine fiber cotton J 9.7 tex, 14.5 tex, conclusion is made that the flat top apron cradle is of good abrasion resistance and rigidity, free of maintenance, stable quality, good anti-static property, thus being propitious to further upgrading evenness of resultant yarn, reducing slubs and snicks plus cotton neps, especially in production with fine fiber cotton.
针对目前使用的碳纤弹性上销结构复杂,对弹簧要求较高、不易清洁的现状,为了提高纱线品质,介绍了RS-6939型直板上梢的特点,并通过纺J7.3tex(100%长绒棉)、J 4.9tex(100%长绒棉)、J9.7tex(100%细绒棉)、J 4.5tex(100%细绒棉)的纺纱实践,指出RS-6939型直板上销具有较强的耐磨性和刚性,不需维修,质量稳定,杭静电性能良好,对进一步提高条干水平,减少粗节、细节及棉结非常有利,特别是在纺细号长绒棉时,效果更加显著。
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Cat's in the cradle:在摇篮里的猫
10 Home of the blues 忧伤之家 | 11 Cat's in the cradle 在摇篮里的猫 | 12 Wanted man 通缉犯
Cat's in the cradle:(搖籃裡的貓)
1 Cat's In The Cradle(搖籃裡的貓) Judy Collins | 2 Kingdom Come(天國降臨) Jody Collins | 3 Silly Little Diddle(瞎搞一通) Tom Rush
Cat's Cradle:猫的摇篮
现年79岁的冯内果,著名作品有<<第五号屠宰场>>(Slaughterhouse Five)、<<猫的摇篮>>(Cat's Cradle)等,着有十多本小说和许多的短文、评论,极受好评;曾被许多作家公认为美国现代科幻小说之父,而英国作家格雷安.葛林(Graham Greene)亦曾公开推崇他为"美国当代最好的作家之一".
Cat's Cradle:翻线戏,翻绳儿,挑绷子
翻墙攀屋的窃贼,飞贼/cat burglar | 翻线戏,翻绳儿,挑绷子/cat's cradle | 翻线戏/string figure
Cat's Cradle:错杂,纷繁
错过可望成功的事/miss a bet | 错杂,纷繁/cat's cradle | 搭并的羊毛/veiled wool
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