英语人>词典>英汉 : castle in the air的中文,翻译,解释,例句
castle in the air的中文,翻译,解释,例句

castle in the air

castle in the air的基本解释

空中楼阁, 白日梦, 想入非非的计划

更多网络例句与castle in the air相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think you are building a castle in the air.


It is out of the question for anyone to build a castle in the air.


What he is talking about is just a castle in the air.


Your plan is merely a castle in the air.


Their plan is nothing but a castle in the air.


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更多网络解释与castle in the air相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

castle in the air:空中楼阁

20世纪80年代投机风潮再起,机构投资者再次为他们制造的空中楼阁(Castle in the air)付出代价. 这次风潮是从又一轮的新发股票投机中开始的. 1983年上半年,高科技新股发行热潮就像是60年代的翻版,只是领域稍做变动,成了生物技术和微电子.

castle in the air:空中楼阁,不切实际的想法

care for 喜爱 | castle in the air 空中楼阁,不切实际的想法 | catch on 变得流行,受欢迎

castle in the air:空中楼阁,白日梦,想入非非的计划

castle builder | 城堡建筑师, 空想者 | castle in the air | 空中楼阁,白日梦,想入非非的计划 | castle manipulator | "城堡"式机械手

a castle in the air:空中楼阁

pick a hole in 找茬 | a castle in the air 空中楼阁 | soufflons 薄皮茧

a castle in the air:空中楼阁,空想

cast down 使沮丧 | a castle in the air 空中楼阁,空想 | catch at 想抓住

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