英语人>词典>英汉 : carnal desire的中文,翻译,解释,例句
carnal desire的中文,翻译,解释,例句

carnal desire

carnal desire的基本解释

世俗欲念, 肉欲, 色情

更多网络例句与carnal desire相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Your mind is calm when mankind don't have the strong demands for carnal desire which is the expressing of beastliness within humanity also is the nature of each creature.


The Western humanism Liberated the individuals from the shackles of bondage and the theocracy, and promoted the development of Western modernization. However, it's the value orientation of carnal desire and Mammonism also had the negative influence on West the civilization.


In the"Works No 8", the skinny beautiful woman's satisfied mood can be seen from her calf which waggles carelessly. She lies on the floor, a breast has revealed from short underwear, tightly pasting the sky blue floor, a calf is lifting to back unrestrainedly, the eyesight is gentle and calm, her expression and the body suggest she is satisfied with both spirit and carnal desire.

作品8 》中骨感美人惬意的心境在不经意地晃动的小腿上得到强化——美人伏地板上,一只乳房从短小的上衣中滑露而出,紧贴着天蓝色的地板,小腿不自觉中自在地向后抬起,眼神柔和、淡定、从容,美人的神情和肢体语言都暗示出她内心温馨的感受;滑露出的乳房、粉红色的肌肤、尖利的鞋跟表现出她的肉欲特征,恬适惬意的神情显示出她肉欲与精神上的双重满足。