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- capital
- capitalisation
- capitalise
- capitalised
- capitalises
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- capitalism
- capitalist
- capitalistic
- capitalistically
- 更多 网络例句 与capita相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The results of optimization growth model with land input based on the RCK Model implied that when the economy convergences to one point in a saddle-shaped path, at this point the capital per capita and the consumption per capita will be unchanged, and higher efficient land input per capita will bring higher capital per capita and higher consumption per capita at that point.
If local government can control the urban constructing land, then per capita constructing land has the sole equilibrium value under the Tiebout's condition. And urbanization's level has obviously positive relationship with per capita land resource in the whole urban area . And per capita constructing land has negative relationship with urbanization's level, but positive with per capita non-agricultural productivity, and with the per capita land resource increasing, the city size will be appearing the U-shape's change.
The results showed as follows:(1) the de-farming index of 479 investigated farm households is 79.21% with per capita area of de-farming slope farmland of 0.205 hm~2,per capita grain yield loss resulted from de-farming slope farmland of 74 kg and per capita allowance of 171 yuan from the government in 2003;(2) the de-farming allowance from the government has a bigger influence on a poor household,and if an allowance from the government would be stopped,the re-exploitation of partly de-farmed slope farmland is possible;(3) in 2003,per capita cash income of 479 investigated farm households is 1 492 yuan,and its sources mainly from floating employment,selling grain and greenstuff,de-farming allowance,selling products of domestic livestock and poultry and dealing dicker etc.;(4) in a few coming years,those employments of stable and higher earning will be firstly selected by farmers,and high expected value agriculture or rural commerce are going to become the leading livelihood of a good few farmers with some fund or skill.
结果表明:被调查农户人均退耕坡地0.205 hm2,退耕指数达79.21%;2003年479农户因退耕导致的粮食减产量人均74 kg,得到政府补贴人均171元;退耕补贴对贫困农户的影响程度较大,停止退耕补贴后存在反垦可能性。2003年被调查农户人均现金收入1492元,主要来源于外出打工、卖粮菜、退耕补贴、卖畜禽产品和做小生意等。未来几年,能获得稳定收入且报酬相对较高的行业是农民谋生的首选,有资金积累或一定技能的农户正在将生计转向高附加值农业或第三产业。
- 更多网络解释 与capita相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
三、所有者权益类 OWNERS' EQUITY | 资本 Capita | 实收资本 Paicl-up capital
capillon 菌陈酮 | capita 牲畜总头数 | capitate colony 半球形菌落
Gross National Product: GNP 国民生产总值 | capita:头数 | per capita: 按人口平均计算
capillovenous /毛细管静脉的/ | capita /头/ | capitalism /资本主义/
per capita:人均
调查结果显示加拿大人在2007年总共花费190亿元购买处方药物,人均(per capita)的处方药花费是578元,卑诗省是全国最少,每人平均的处方药费只有432元.
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