capillary [kæ'piləri]
- capillary的基本解释
毛状的, 毛细管的
- 相似词
- 拼写相近单词
- capillarectasia
- capillaries
- capillarimeter
- capillariomotor
- capillarity
- capillaropathy
- capillaroscope
- capillary所属的单词分类
Body / 身体
urinary system · respiratory system · red blood cells · lumbar vertebrae · fallopian tubes · endocrine system · collar bone · cervical vertebrae · blood vessels · ball of the foot
- 更多 网络例句 与capillary相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
As pollutant migrated into the capillary zone,capillary tension restricted the vertical movement.The pollutant must overcome the entrapment pressure of oil-water interface before entering the capillary zone, and pollutant accumulated on the top of the capillary zone to become pressurized.The pore pressure of pollutant exceeded the entrapment pressure of oil-water interface,and pollutant entered the capillary zone and formed a lens above the groundwater level.
The results showed that there was power function relationship between the capillary water rise height and groundwater supply quantity and the time. There was linear function relationship between capillary water rise height and groundwater supply quantity and a power function between them and the time. There was linear function relationship between the capillary water rise velocity and the groundwater supply rate. Parameters could be calculated by measured data, which showed that it is possible to simulate capillary water rise process of homogeneous soil by Green-Ampt model.
The anastomosing occurred between the pleural superficial and the subpleural vascular networks on the capillary level or the precapillary level. The honeycomb vascular networks were also various in size and form at a low magnification. The venule connected with the pulmonary capillary networks directly at a high magnification. The single capillary networks were found in the alveolar septa. The longitudinal crests and dense round imprints of endothelial nuclei and the clear circular constrictions were found on the surface of the larger vessel in the lung parenchyma. The round imprints of endothelial nuclei also occurred on the subpleural venule and capillary.
- 更多网络解释 与capillary相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
毛细血管(capillary)是管径最细,分布最广的血管. 它们分支并互相吻合成网(图8-8). 各器官和组织内毛细血管网的疏密程度差别很大,代谢旺盛的组织和器官如骨骼肌、心肌、肺、肾和许多腺体,毛细血管网很密;代高血压较低的组织如骨、肌腱和韧带等,毛细血管网则较稀疏
将一个毛细管(capillary)浸入溶液,取约3mm溶液,布于一薄层色谱板(TLC 板TLC plate). 用同样方法将起始物质布于另一TLC板作为参比物. 用1:6乙酸酯-庚烷(acetate-heptane)洗脱TLC板,洗脱后的TLC板可在UV光(254配合物中氨的分析 用移液管吸取 0.1 M HCl 标准溶液20 mL,
在三种液态金属自由表面形式中,即固体材料表面流动的液态膜(film)、液帘(连续射流或液滴)及毛细管现象(capillary). 连续射流最有可能成为未来液体偏滤器/限制器选用的形式. 但对如磁流体动力学不稳定性、与等离子体相互作用和液体内所吸附粒子的排出等;
血管是生物运送血液的管道,依运输方向可分为动脉(artery)、静脉(vein)与微血管(capillary). 动脉从心脏将血液带至身体组织,静脉将血液自组织间带回心脏,微血管则连接动脉与静脉,是血液与组织间物质交换的主要场所. 各种生物拥有的血管型态各不相同.
capillary tube:毛细管
再判断是否是其他电控问题,比如电动机绕组是否正常,继电器(Relay)是否不良等.按照上述思路,便可逐步缩小故障范围,故障原因便可水落石出了.1、制冷系统堵:常常发生在毛细管(Capillary Tube)及干燥过滤器(Dryer-filter)处,
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