英语人>词典>英汉 : capacitive reactance的中文,翻译,解释,例句
capacitive reactance的中文,翻译,解释,例句

capacitive reactance

capacitive reactance的基本解释

[化] 容抗

更多网络例句与capacitive reactance相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This circuit if only accurate at frequencies low enough that its capacitive reactance can be neglected.


Taking into account the capacitive reactance of these two elements, our previous noise gain formula must be modified as follows


Capacitive reactance is a reactance due to the presence of capacitance in an alternating-current circuit.


By adjusting the trigger angle of thyristor, TCSC can regulate the reactance from capacitive to inductive mode continuously.


The approach uses the parasitic inductance of the antenna to implement ASK modulation by adjusting the capacitive reactance of the matching network, which changes with the backscatter circuit.


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更多网络解释与capacitive reactance相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capacitive reactance:容抗

为控制变压器在谐振(resonance)时输入阻抗的变化程度,保证平坦的幅频特性,应控制住变 骰芈返腝值(这里Q值的含义是,感抗(inductive reactance)或容抗(capacitive reactance)与回路电阻之比,Q值越大,其阻抗的变化程度也越大),

capacitive reactance:電容抗

在交流电的领域中,电容及电感都会阻碍电流流动,两者的大小又受到频率影响;综合电阻、电容抗 ( Capacitive reactance ) 和电感抗 ( Inductive reactance ) 在向量上的和才是交流电的 "阻抗" ( Impedance ).

capacitive reactance:电容性电抗

capacitive load 电容性负载 | capacitive reactance 电容性电抗 | capacitive sawtooth generator 电容式锯齿波发生器

capacitive reactance:电容电抗

capacitive 电容的 | capacitive reactance 电容电抗 | capacitor 电容器

condensance; capacitive reactance:容[电]抗

concentration cell 浓化电池 | condensance; capacitive reactance 容[电]抗 | condenser-compensation method 电容器补偿法

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