英语人>词典>英汉 : canon的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

canon ['kænən]


教会法规, 圣典, 准则, 标准, 教士, 教会法教规, 教规, (基督教的)正典圣经(简称正经), 一个作家的真作, 日本佳能公司

  • His behavior offends the canons of good manners.
  • 他的行为冒犯了公认的礼貌规范。
CANON ·  Canon
Musical Theory / 乐理 [176]

ritard  ·  minor third  ·  melodic minor  ·  harmonic minor  ·  harmonic major  ·  whole tone scale  ·  whole rest  ·  tenuto  ·  subito  ·  sempre

更多 网络例句 与canon相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My company and give full play to channel funds and technical superiority, with dozens of well-known domestic and foreign companies set up a long-term partnership and agent of its related products, mainly include: rich soil Xerox Co., Ltd. Japan's Canon Inc. Service Ricoh by OA Guangzhou Branch Division Micronesia Electronics Ltd. Main Distribution Xerox, Canon Ricoh Commodities such as copiers, engineering copiers, Canon, Xerox, Samsung, Panasonic and other chemicals Fax machine, gestetner, super machine, mimeographs, Section dense series of paper shredders, binding machines, Xerox, Canon, Epson, Hewlett-Packard, and other brand inkjet, laser printers, and other peripherals Products, computer machine brand are gradually developed and additional Sanpu original company agent office equipment supplies.


Accordingly, to avoid future schisms it was first laid down that nobody was to be regarded as Roman pontiff unless he had been elected by two thirds of the cardinals (canon 1); all appointments by antipopes were deemed invalid (canon 2), heretics called Cathars were excommunicated and likewise were the bands of mercenaries, or rather criminals, which were causing utter destruction in some parts of Europe; it was declared, and this seems an innovation, that arms should be taken up against them (canon 27); it was also decided not to pass judgment about the preaching of the Waldensians .

因此,为了避免将来发生分裂,这是第一次订下的任何人都被视为罗马教皇,除非他已当选三分之二的枢机主教(佳能1);所有任命由 antipopes 被视为无效(佳能2),所谓的异端 cathars 被驱逐,并同样被乐队的雇佣军,或者更确切地说,罪犯,其中造成极大破坏,在部分欧洲,它被宣布,这似乎是一个创新,即军控应采取行动对付他们(佳能27 );会上还决定,没有通过判决对说教的

The history of Canon 35 mm single-lens reflex cameras began in May 1959 with the launch of the Canon Flex, which was followed by models reflecting Canon's reliable technologies and innovativeness.

历史上的佳能35毫米单镜头反光照相机在1959年5月开始推出的佳能的Flex ,然后模型反映佳能的可靠的技术和创新。

更多网络解释 与canon相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


其他品牌名称如"佳能"(CANON)、"美能达"(MINOLTA)的含义则不言而喻. 2.简单明了、积极向上且便于记忆:好的品牌瞬间便可以给人留下深刻的印象,并且经久不会忘却. 例如"可口可乐"不仅描绘了饮料的滋味,同时也表达了消费者享用这种饮料时的快活心情;


即使没有一套作品形成一个"正确的"规则(canon),这个由最初的电影开始,并由Stargate SG-1 (1997年至今)和Stargate Atlantis (2004年至今)继续着的故事有着最大的影迷基础.


"卡农"(Canon)是一种西方音乐的曲式,是复调音乐的一种,原意为"规律",又译"两轮重唱",即一个声部的曲调自始至终追逐着另一声部,直到最后. N个声部的旋律依次出现,交叉进行,互相模仿,互相追随,它们会融合在一起,永不分离...


在庵室里,每个修士都要按教规(canon)行事:每天叩拜300次,作600个十字,并读>. 如果不去晨祷,也不守教规的修士,在开始作他们的工作前直到晚上为止是不能领受食粮的. 同时,修士不准许在庵室里接待家属,不允许有私钱,

canon law:教会法规

城市的出现,形成不少新的社会问题,诸如贫穷、住屋、就业等;教会的牧养形式亦得相应改变,与农村的静态社会不同的是,城市居民流动性大,神甫不易认识每个牧养对象,不易建立一个信徒互相支持的群体,也不易用教会法规(Canon Law)来监控信徒,故传统

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