camouflage ['kæmuflɑ:ʒ]
- camouflage的基本解释
伪装, 幌子, 伪装物
- Some insects have a natural camouflage which hides them from the attack of their enemies.
- 有些昆虫有一种天然的保护色可以防止敌人的袭击。
- Many animals have a natural camouflage which hides them from their enemies.
- 很多动物都有迷惑其敌人的天然伪装。
伪装, 掩饰
- The military vehicles were camouflaged.
- 军车被伪装起来了。
- 相似词
- camouflage的同义词
- n. disguise
- 拼写相近单词
- camouflaged
- camouflages
- camouflaging
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- camouflage coat
- camouflage uniform
- camouflage所属的单词分类
Clothes / 服装
zoris · twin set · tube top · top coat · tie clip · sweatsuit · shoulder pads · panama hat · mumu · leather jacket
Military / 军事
national security · gunnery sergeant · dog tags · armored vehicle · amphibious vehicle · Zulu time · Purple Heart · PT boat · bow and arrow · rocket artillery
- 更多 网络例句 与camouflage相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Firstly the damage probability model of field command post under the enemy′s aviation force formation adopting bombs and precision guided weapon was researched.Then the damage probability model after adopting camouflage and maneuver was discussed.Finally using this model,the variation law of field command post′s damage probability was calculated and the rationality of the model was verified,and the quantitative reference for commander planning camouflage reasonablely with timely maneuver was provided.
Using special aerial photography and reconnaissance, to expose the enemy camouflage more rigorous goals.
Eventually we had to pare it back a bit, because it's almost the mechanical equivalent of camouflage.
- 更多网络解释 与camouflage相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
经理则通过薪酬委员会、报酬顾问、以及报酬制订审批过程等"伪装"(camouflage)证明其报酬的合理性以减少激愤. 虽然期权本身有利于股东,但现实中期权报酬的设计偏离了最优契约的宗旨. 它使股东财富向贪婪的经理转移,产生了没有业绩的报酬.
在QCD中,有两种效应影响著有效色荷,其中一种是和QED相仿的类似屏蔽和另一新的现象──掩饰(camouflage). QCD的真空由成对的虚夸克和反虚夸克占据著;假如一个夸克给引入这真空,则带相异色荷的虚粒子将包围被引入的夸克,
而真正入得厅堂下得厨房的,是一切迷彩(Camouflage)军绿色布料. 运用不同的材料、不同的色系、不同的时款,结合一切当季流行元素,最保险最无局限. 今季图案又突破传统灰暗斑点保护色,转以热带花卉雨林拼贴,红艳绿媚,缤纷热闹,
camouflage pattern:迷彩图案
camouflage color 迷彩色 | camouflage pattern 迷彩图案 | canvas,canavass 帆布
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