英语人>词典>英汉 : cabinet members的中文,翻译,解释,例句
cabinet members的中文,翻译,解释,例句

cabinet members

cabinet members的基本解释

[法] 内阁阁员

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Mr. Abe reduced his own pay by thirty percent and his cabinet members' pay by ten percent.


I want to thank all the members of my Cabinet who are here.


He said all the members of the cabinet are not going to be potted plants...


This week cabinet members met in Canberra to consider the problem.


I urged several cabinet members and Speaker Gingrich to read it.


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更多网络解释与cabinet members相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cabinet members:内阁成员

在克林顿任总统时期,曾有6位内阁成员(cabinet members)是犹太人,包括国务卿奥尔布赖特、国防部长科恩、财政部长鲁宾、贸易代表巴尔舍夫斯基、总统国家安全事务助理伯杰等.

Japan-ROK Cabinet members meeting:日韩阁僚会议

Japan-China Exchange Council of Japan;日本日中往来恳谈... | Japan-ROK Cabinet members meeting;日韩阁僚会议;; | Japan-South Korea Agreement on Joint Development of the Continental Shelf;日韩共同开发大陆...

Neige jiuqing Members of the Cabinet:內閣九卿

部院大臣 Buyuan dachen Ministers | 內閣九卿 Neige jiuqing Members of the Cabinet | 翰詹 Hanzhan Members of the State Academy

In Britain,members of the Cabinet are chosen by the Prime Minister:在英国,内阁成员是由首相挑选的

cabinet n. 内阁;储藏橱,陈列柜 | In Britain,members of the Cabinet are chosen by the Prime Minister. ;在英国,内阁成员是由 首相挑选的. | candidate n. 申请求职者,投考者; 候选人

In Britain,members of the Cabinet are chosen by the Prime Minister:内阁,储藏橱,陈列柜

3. American pay both federal taxes and state taxes... | 4. In Britain, members of the Cabinet are chosen by the Prime Minister.内阁,储藏橱,陈列柜 | 5. Her black hair accentuated the whiteness of her sk...