英语人>词典>英汉 : burnt lime的中文,翻译,解释,例句
burnt lime的中文,翻译,解释,例句

burnt lime

burnt lime的基本解释

煅石灰, 氧化钙

更多网络例句与burnt lime相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to improve sintering raw mix size composition, increasing sinter TFe content and reducing solid fuel consumption,the industrial sintering test with all burnt lime to replace the limestone in BaoGang Iron Making Plant was conducted, and anticipative effect was gaine


Pepsi cola formula: sugar- standard confectioners a 7500 pounds water, sufficient quantity to 1200 gallons caramel - burnt sugar color 12 gallons lime juice 12 gallons phosphoric acid s.g. 1.750 58 pounds alcohol 1/2 gallon oil lemon 6 fluid ounces oil orange 5 fluid ounces cinnamon oil 4 fluid ounces oil nutmeg 2 fluid ounces oil coriander 2 fluid ounces oil petit grain 1 fluid ounce mix; stir two hours: boil sugar and water

百事可乐配置秘方中文版可乐树规则:糖标准confectioners-a7500磅水足够的数量最多1200加仑焦糖 12加伦酸橙汁 12加伦磷酸s.g.1.750 58磅白酒 1/2加伦油柠檬 6液体盎司油橘子 5液体盎司肉桂油 4液体盎司油肉豆寇 2液体盎司油香菜 2液体盎司可乐树油谷物 1液体的盎司混合,煮沸糖和水,与此同时搅动2个小时

Results indicated that for a pellet of 5 mm in diameter with carbon content of 5%, lime stone will be completely decomposed in about 3.4 min, and carbon burnt with 11.5 min elapsed of time, under ambient temperature of 1273K.


更多网络解释与burnt lime相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

burnt lime:生石灰

burnout velocity 燃尽速度 | burnt lime 生石灰 | burnt sand 烧成砂

burnt lime:煅石灰

burnt gypsum 烧石膏 | burnt lime 煅石灰 | burnt metal 金属过烧现象

burnt lime:烧石灰

burnt deposit 煅积物 | burnt lime 烧石灰 | burnt oil 煅油