英语人>词典>英汉 : burn-in的中文,翻译,解释,例句



老化, 预烧, 烧焊

更多网络例句与burn-in相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Similar to spend money like it like water and the "big spenders"; Chinese idiom "burn their boats" and English burn one 's boats has stemmed from the builder's strategy.

相近似的有spend money like water与"挥金如土";汉语成语"破釜沉舟"与英语burn one's boats都源于军事家的策略。

Approximate has spend money like water with "to squander money"; Chinese idiom "crosses the rubicon" and English burn one ' s the boats all source to strategist's strategy.

相近似的有spend money like water与"挥金如土";汉语成语"破釜沉舟"与英语burn one's boats都源于军事家的策略。

To have money to burn means that you are so rich that you can burn your money.

To have money to burn 指的是你有用不完的钱,甚至可以拿来烧着玩。

更多网络解释与burn-in相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

burn away:烧完

burn and scald 烫火伤 | burn away 烧完 | burn cream 烧伤膏

burn away:烧掉

burn v. & n. be on fire 燃烧;烧伤 | burn away 烧掉 | burn down 烧成平地

burn off:烧掉

burn down烧毁 | burn off烧掉 | burn out(火自行)熄灭;烧光某物