英语人>词典>英汉 : burn itself out的中文,翻译,解释,例句
burn itself out的中文,翻译,解释,例句

burn itself out

burn itself out的基本解释


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There have been repeated warnings over the years that the Pentecostal fire will burn itself out.


The small fire can safely be left to burn itself out .


His zeal will soon burn itself out.


In the ashtray was the remnant note which had been wetted by his tear and failed to burn itself out.


So terrorism experts are now debating whether al-Qaeda is starting to burn itself out.


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burn itself out:筋疲力竭

burn into 烧进 | burn itself out 筋疲力竭 | burn like a house on fire 烧得极猛烈

burn itself out:烧尽; 烧完

burn into (酸类)侵蚀 留下不可磨灭的印象 烧上, 烙上; 留下 | burn itself out 烧尽; 烧完 | burn itself away 烧尽; 烧完

Lt'll cause a flashover. Make it burn itself out:这样会引发闪燃,烧光就灭火了

- Flood it with o2. - What?|灌满氧气 什么? | Lt'll cause a flashover. Make it burn itself out.|这样会引发闪燃,烧光就灭火了 | We'll lose the whole garden.|这样整座植物园都会毁掉