英语人>词典>英汉 : bun的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

bun [bʌn]



  • He kept drinking till he got a bun on.
  • 他不停地喝酒,一直到醉。
  • She wore her hair in a bun.
  • 她把头发挽成小圆髻。
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The standard canonical variable V1 was mainly affected by SBP and W1 by UA and BUN at almost same degree (V1 = 0.6392*SBP'+ 0.4649*DBP', W1 = 0.6990*UA'+ 0.6430*BUN'), which indicated the higher of UA and BUN the higher of SBP, and the degree of correlation between the SBP with UA and BUN was almost sameness.

其标准典型变量V1 主要受SBP的影响( V1 = 0.6392*SBP'+ 0.4649*DBP'),标准典型变量W1 受UA和BUN的影响程度相当( W1 = 0.6990*UA'+ 0.6430*BUN'),因而可以认为UA、BUN越高的个体其SBP越高,且UA、BUN与SBP的升高的关系基本相同。

When the gimp, now I knew he was the storekeeper and administrators, was telling to a kitchen our ration, I looked at all round the kitchen quickly with near-sight eyes, I found the towel for cooking bun chucked on the chopping board, was stained with much bun residue.


Results Compared with low-salt diet control group, the renal changes in CsA-L group were not obvious at the 2nd weeks, the urine volume and the level of BUN were remarkably increased in CsA-H group. At the 4th weeks, the urine volume was decreased; the levels of Crea and BUN were significantly increased and showed a significant positive correlation with the blood CsA concentration. Morphologic changes consisted of vacuolization of renal tubular cells, hyalinization of small arterioles and the light renal interstitial fibrosis.

结果 与低盐对照组相比,药后第2周CsA-L组各指标无明显变化,CsA-H组尿量增多,尿蛋白降低,尿素氮升高;药后第4周时,尿量呈减少趋势,肌酐和BUN明显升高,且与CsA血药浓度呈显著正相关,病理表现为肾小管细胞空泡变性及小动脉和肾间质病变,CsA-H组各种变化较CsA-L组更为明显。

更多网络解释 与bun相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


西方有鹳鸟(stork)送婴儿的传说,所以storked;knock up(敲击)是粗鄙说法,一般不宜使用;至于小圆面包(bun)、面包(bread)、布丁(pudding)等,都是很明白的比喻,不必解释了.


配方如普通小甜面包(bun),但是加入了肉桂等香料和干果,所以有特殊风味. 面包表面有一个十字,把面包浅浅地分成4个部分. 巧克力蛋和巧克力兔子(Easter Bunny)无疑是取自于Pagan的传说和习俗. 萨克森人有个给孩子的小故事,


肾功能检查 1) 尿素氮 (BUN) 为肾脏滤过代谢之最终产物,当肾障碍时,产物无法适当排出,此时血清之尿素氮数值升高. 但此数值极易受药物剂量影响,必须配合其他检查数值一起诊断. 2) 肌酸酐 (CRE) 肌酸酐是肌肉运动的主要能源--肌酸所分解的一种物质,


是次挤挤乐, 为新加坡地铁公司缔造了数项记录, 包括: 596人挤进一节地铁车厢, 以及44人挤进一部德士的创举.一大清早, 7点20分, 我在勿洛北住家附近匆匆忙忙地吃了两件小面包(BUN)之后, 便赶路北上宏茂桥地铁站.

bun:abbr. serum blood urea nitrogen; 血清尿素氮

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