budding ['bʌdiŋ]
- budding的基本解释
[变形] bud的现在分词
萌芽的, 发育期的, 少壮的, 初露头角的
- 相似词
- budding的同义词
- v. bud
- 相关歌词
- If You Want Me
- Keep Off The Lawn
- Citronella
- The River In The Pines
- Happy Birthday, Leonid Brezhnev
- Trader
- 拼写相近单词
- buddings
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- budding genius
- 更多 网络例句 与budding相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Results of grafting trial shows: the budding survival rate on hybrid UCB-I was higher commonly than that on the Pistacia atlantica Desf; On two rootstocks, one-year-old branch performed better than twoyear-old stem; In mid August, the highest budding survival rate was attained with two rootstocks; After treatment with 50、100ppm IBA and 50ppm 6-BA, the budding survival rate on hybrid UCB-I was decreased, but the budding survival rate on Pistacia atlantica was increased evidently, particularly it has been increased 22. 8% by treatment of 100ppm IBA.
阿月浑子嫁接试验结果表明:在杂种UCB-I上的芽接成活率普遍高于在大西洋黄连木上的芽接成活率;两种砧木一年生枝上的芽接成活率均高于二年生主干上的芽接成活率;8月中旬在两种砧木上的芽接成活率均最高;用50、100ppm IBA和50ppm 6-BA处理接芽后,均可显著提高大西洋黄连木上的芽接成活率,尤其100ppm IBA处理可提高其嫁接成活率22.8%,但上述处理都降低了在UCB-I上的芽接成活率。
This paper will base on the bilayer-coupling model phase diagram, under bilayer-coupling model, through building a few initial shapes which are close to the target shapes, with the constraint condition of the area A, the volume V, and the average curvature integral M and using reduced quantity, finally some budding and the multi-budding vesicles will be obtained through Surface Evolver software gradually subdividing and long time evolution.
本文从双层模型的相图出发,在双层模型下,通过建立一些与目标形状相近似的初始形状,在面积A,体积V和平均曲率的积分M的约束条件和使用约化量的情况下,经Surface Evolver软件的逐次细分并长时间演化,得到了一些budding和multi-budding型的生物膜泡形状。
We also found that retinoic acid was unnecessary for hindlimb budding, but was needed for forelimb budding.
- 更多网络解释 与budding相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
白假丝酵母 (Candida albicans) 出芽 (budding) 和芽管发育时细胞壁合成的位置和形式,都表现单细胞和菌丝形式的分别. 酵母 (yeast) 出芽时,细胞壁合成首先在萌芽位置出现, 在短暂的顶端延伸后, 细胞壁成辐射状向四方八面均匀地合成,
1.芽殖(budding)芽殖是酵母菌最常见的繁殖方式. 在良好的营养和生长条件下,酵母生长迅速,这时,可以看到所有细胞上都长有芽体,而且在芽体上还可形成新的芽体,所以经常可以见到呈簇状的细胞团. 芽体的形成过程是这样的:在母细胞形成芽体的部位,
爱吃面包(bread),冬天喜欢布丁(budding)、浓汤(soup)、火腿(ham)、水果(fruit)、新鲜蔬菜(vegetables)等. 英国人的烹调技术在国际上并无竞争力,但是他们的炸鱼土豆条(fish and ships)和三明治(sandwiches)却为现代快餐做出了重要的贡献.
空泡型和颗粒型细胞的生殖方式有:二分裂法(binary fission)、原质团分割法(plasmotomy)、裂体生殖(schizogony)、内出芽法(endodyogeny),而阿米巴型细胞的生殖方式则有出芽生殖(budding)、芽胞生殖(sporulation)及原质团分割法.
budding star:初露锋芒的明星
up-rising star 后起之秀 | budding star 初露锋芒的明星 | star-studded 明星荟萃的阿森
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