英语人>词典>英汉 : browser的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

browser ['brauzə]


吃嫩叶的动物, 浏览书本的人

Computer / 计算机 [234]

username  ·  terabyte  ·  teminal  ·  social networking  ·  screenshot  ·  open source  ·  malware  ·  flash drive  ·  Exabyte  ·  digital versatile disc

更多 网络例句 与browser相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

USBkey is actual it is one lades the small size U that has letter dish, at present the bank on the net of a lot of banks is in roll out USBkey certificate while, also rolled out browser certificate, in the browser that downloads digital certificate client computer directly namely, each bank before browser card booklist all is executed free, its effect and USBkey credentials match basically, both only differs even if browser certificate suits to be used on the fixed computer such as family, office only, if change,the bank on computer entry network needs to use browser letter floppy disk or U dish after deriving, reintroduce arrives in new computer, not as convenient as USBkey.


Data still makes clear, because of Chrome browser hot and those who be decreased harm suddenly by the user is Firefox and Safari browser, is not report of IE browser Statcounter says, after Chrome browser is released, firefox and pelter of Safari market share, and IE obtained several percent indescribably.

数据还表明,因Chrome浏览器的火爆而受到用户骤减伤害的是Firefox和Safari浏览器,而不是IE浏览器 statcounter报道称,Chrome浏览器发布以后,Firefox和Safari市场份额骤降,而IE莫名其妙地获得了数个百分点。

For the angle from competitor, the platform browser that has red fox, Chrome competes directly, have the indirect competition of the content confluence browser such as browser of Tecent TT, Sohu, already became the force of all sides antagonize.


更多网络解释 与browser相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他让个人电脑使用者可以自由选择喜欢的 "浏览器"(browser)程式. 人们必须使用浏览器软体,才能阅览全球资讯网上的所有文件,并且轻易地从某个网页跳到另一个网页. 但是伯纳斯李相信,大家会想要自由选择各式各样的浏览器,


网络超文书(hypertext)的架构,让使用者悠游于各知识库之间,但是完善的知识库管理系统除了网络浏览器(browser)之外,还需要其它复杂的工具配合,才能有效掌握与传播知识,像lotus Notes, Grape VINE等知识库管理工具都能有效地协助组织做好知识库管理.


也就是按钮(Button). 文件阅读者会在画面上看到一个按钮. 一旦按下这个按钮,浏览程序(Browser)就会把这个FORM上文件使用者所输入的一切资料传回给WWW Server做处理.


后来,因特网上出现超文件标记语言(HTML),专门传输网络上的图像文件,结果受到热烈的欢迎,于是便促使因特网上目前最热门的万维网(WWW)诞生,在极短的时间内,网页(web page)如雨后春笋诞生,也促成因特网浏览软件(browser)诞生,帮助上网者在

Computer Browser:计算机浏览器

计算机浏览器 (Computer Browser) 一般家庭用计算机不需要,除非你的计算机连在局域网上. 作用:维护网络上更新的计算机清单,并将这个清单提供给做为浏览器的计算机. 如果停止这个服务,这个清单将不会被更新或维护,所有依存于它的服务将无法启动.

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