英语人>词典>英汉 : bring into step的中文,翻译,解释,例句
bring into step的中文,翻译,解释,例句

bring into step

bring into step的基本解释

使步调一致, 使同时发生, 使同步

更多网络例句与bring into step相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Current, more and more capital are in step national boundaries flow, more and more countries can capital of finance of international of bring into contact with.


Now, I granulated, I stopped perplexing, I am going to bring into play my specialty, which is 3D art design. I have to look for a work and a good company which I love to accomplish my first step of refulgence, your company is my best choice.


Without method, oneself tried to change a map to make a tool, who knew to change had done not have weight of page of a day of content to fall completely, before snapshot of film of a lot of serialize turned N into the day, the map shows like that wait for calm, the content in the map is different nevertheless, the map that makes previously has time and address only, did not update frequency and first step, what use from the back is online generate a tool to have first step and newer frequency, because the map from the back has first step,knowing is inside the first grade with acquiescent page is reduced bring about fall authority or what are other reason, stationmaster is here people the place that ace gathers, experienced and knowledgeable, my map now is to show all the time treat calm condition, the station is Http://www.dy3166.cn, home page weight did not change, namely inside page weight was done not have, hope ace people help seek next accounts, declare, oneself are acclaimed by no means in this hair post, was to come up against this a Gordian knot really, hope ace people can help solve below, thanked.


更多网络解释与bring into step相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bring into force:生效

bring into effect 实施 | bring into force 生效 | bring into step 使同步

bring into use:交付使用

bring into step使步调一致 | bring into use 交付使用 | bring on 使人进步;引起,导致(坏事)

bring into use:[开始]使用

bring into step 使同步,整步 | bring into use [开始]使用 | bring-out 引出[接线];(管道)向外引出