英语人>词典>英汉 : break ties with的中文,翻译,解释,例句
break ties with的中文,翻译,解释,例句

break ties with

break ties with的基本解释


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In this way, we reduce the need to make and break ties with the physical objects around us.


Death and destruction can take away what we love, but cannot break our ties with the Source of love.


Sadly I must break ties with thee.


Taiwan's foreign ministry says it is not pressuring St. Lucia to break ties with Beijing.


He did this to break any ties with Judah, because the Temple and worship of God was associated with the family of David.


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break ties with:断绝与...的关系

break off 破壳而出 | break ties with 断绝与...的关系 | breeze up (风)变强

break ties with:断绝...的关系

Break the ice 打破沉默,(为难办的事)开个头 | Break ties with 断绝...的关系 | Break up 打碎,破碎,消散,分解,分离

break diplomatic ties with:断绝外交关系

the United Arab Emirates=UAE 阿联酋酋长国 | break diplomatic ties with 断绝外交关系 | Taliban militants 塔利班激进分子

break one's ties with:断绝与某人的联系

take one's place 代替某人 | break one's ties with 断绝与某人的联系 | set out to (do sth.) 打算,企图