breach [bri:tʃ]
- breach的基本解释
裂口, 违背, 破坏, 破裂, 违反, 突破
- Your action is a breach of the agreement.
- 你们的行为违背了协议。
- He opened a breach with his cousin after the quarrel.
- 那次争吵后,他与表兄闹翻了。
- Police arrested the demonstrators for committing a breach of the peace.
- 警察以破坏和平罪逮捕了示威者。
- The waves made a breach in the sea wall.
- 海浪将防波堤冲开一个缺口。
突破, 攻破
- 相似词
- 与breach相关的词组
- throw oneself into the breach:挺身相助
- 更多 网络例句 与breach相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
This paper attempts to make recommendations, with a new view to the contract breach fine research, on the nature of contract breach fine should be compensation, punitive coexist, through the study of different national legislation on the different provisions of contract breach fine, combined with existing academic disputes, and the expurgation of confusion and false in the concept of contract breach fine.
AIn the event of loss of time due to(1) deficiency of men or stores;(2) breakdown or damage to hull, machinery or equipment;(3) detention by average accidents to ship or cargo including collision and stranding; drydocking or (4) repairs, Vessels other necessary measures to maintain the efficiency of the certificates, and/or other (5)failure to possess or carry on board valid Vessel's documentation for the cargo service, including valid Panama and Suez Canal admeasurement certificates;(6) strikes, refusal to sail, breach of orders or neglect of duty on the part of the Master, Officers or Crew;(7) detention of or interference with the Vessel by any authorities in consequence of legal action against, or breach of regulations by the Owners, Master, Officers or Crew (unless brought about by the negligent act or omission of Charterers);(8) stoppages resulting from any breach of this Charter by the Owners;(9) deviation, putting back or putting into any port other than that to which she is bound under the instructions of Charterers for any reason or for any purpose of mentioned in this Clause or for the purpose of obtaining medical advice or treatment for or landing any sick or injured ship's personnel;(10) those agreed as off-hire as elsewhere provided herein or any other causes either hindering or preventing the efficient working of the Vessel, or rendering the Vessel unavailable for the Charterers' service, hire to cease from commencement of such loss of time until the Vessel is again in an efficient state to resume her service from a position not less favourable to Charterers than that at which such loss of time commenced.
停租 16.Off-Hire如时间损失是由于(1)人员或船用品不足;(2)船壳,机器或设备损坏;(3)船舶或货物遇到海损事故包括碰撞和搁浅而造成延误;(4)修船,进行干船坞或保持本船效能所采取的其他必要措施;(5)未持有或未随船携带货运需要的有效证件及或其他船舶文件,包括有效的巴拿马和苏伊士运河丈量证件;(6)船长,船员或水手的罢工,拒航,违抗命令或失职;(7)任何当局因船东,船长,船员或水手受到控告或违章对本船实行拘留或干预(但租船人的疏忽行为或不行为所引起者除外);(8)船东违反租约而停工;(9)由于本条所提到的任何原因或任何目的或由于伤病船员上岸治疗而使本船绕航,折返或靠挂非租船人所指示的其他港口;(10)本租约另有规定的停租项目或其他任何原因,以致妨碍或阻止本船有效运行或使本船不能给租船人使用,则从时间损失起至本船重新处于有效状态,在不使租船人比时间损失开始之时的船位吃亏的地点恢复服务止,租金停止。
In the event of loss of time due to(1) deficiency of men or stores;(2)breakdown or damage to hull, machinery or equipment;(3) detention by average accidents to ship or cargo including collision and stranding;(4) repairs, drydocking or other necessary measures to maintain the efficiency of the Vessels (5)failure to possess or carry on board valid certificates, and/or other Vessel's documentation for the cargo service, including valid Panama and Suez Canal admeasurement certificates;(6) strikes, refusal to sail, breach of orders or neglect of duty on the part of the Master, Officers or Crew;(7) detention of or interference with the Vessel by any authorities in consequence of legal action against, or breach of regulations by the Owners, Master, Officers or Crew (unless brought about by the negligent act or omission of Charterers);(8) stoppages resulting from any breach of this Charter by the Owners;(9) deviation, putting back or putting into any port other than that to which she is bound under the instructions of Charterers for any reason or for any purpose mentioned in this Clause or for the purpose of obtaining medical advice or treatment for or landing any sick or injured ship's personnel;(10) those agreed as off-hire as elsewhere provided herein or any other causes either hindering or preventing the efficient working of the Vessel, or rendering the Vessel unavailable for the Charterers' service, hire to cease from commencement of such loss of time until the Vessel is again in an efficient state to resume her service from a position not less favourable to Charterers than that at which such loss of time commenced.
- 更多网络解释 与breach相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
24小时>>筹拍电影版的计划早已有之,不过一直都由于各种原因未能实现,现在20世纪福克斯公司终于下定决心,准备把>搬上大银幕. 据悉,>(Breach)的编导比利.雷(Billy Ray)为>电影版写了一个剧本,在这个剧本中,男主角杰克.鲍尔(Jack Bauer)到欧洲执
本月底,她将和好莱坞大牌明星罗宾.威廉姆斯携手出演巴里.莱文森指导的喜剧片>(Man of the Year);同时她还将在比利.雷指导的谍幻片>(Breach)中出演重要角色.
其中的安全性和缺口(breach)预防透过 802.1x 的加强,Wi-Fi 网路承诺在行动设备上安全和快速的企业资料,允许讯息交换及其它服务. 但是,接著就在刚过去的二月份出现了一条令人震惊的消息:尽管运用了所有的防范,
"这一结尾类似美国影片>(Breach)中的情节,即惩处了叛徒,又不失人情味. 笔者以为两种结局都胜过影片中的安排,不知读者以为如何?
Anticipatory breach:预期违约
预期违约(anticipatory breach)是英美合同法中一个先进的概念,指在合同规定的履行期到来前,已有根据预示合同的一方当事人将不会履行其合同义务. 国际货物买卖合同公约对预期违约作为买卖双方都可以采用的救济方法专列了一条加以规定.
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