英语人>词典>英汉 : brainstorm的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

brainstorm ['breinstɔ:m]



  • After months of futile labor, the scientist suddenly had a brainstorm and solved the problem.
  • 数月努力,徒劳无功,科学家突发奇想,问题迎刃而解。
  • The marketing team brainstormed for hours in designing the marketing campaign for the new product.
  • 行销小组脑力激荡多时,集思广益,设计新产品的行销策略。




更多 网络例句 与brainstorm相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Brainstorm is shot down and the key is taken from him, but when the Hive leaves Brainstorm graps Nightstick and scans him.

霸天虎的机器动物将成为头领战士,而其他的霸天虎捐出了他们的武器,这样他们就能成为 Targetmasters。

Jointly develop ,produce with the key scientific research universities and colleges "baixing" and "Tendly" brand Hi-Tech new-type Origanum oil ( draw from the origanum vulgarel grass) betaine、garlicin、 organic copper、organic chromium、sodium dia-cetate、methionine copper、methionine iron、methionine zinc、methionine manganese etc. Series of products. Obtain the scientific and technological result first prize of Henan , The third-class scientific and technological progresses is rewarded ,advanced enterprise of Xiangcheng city scientific and technological , undertake the two scientific and technological brainstorm project of "the eighth five-Year Plan period provinces in dependently. Awarded to "outstanding private scientific and technological enterprise of Henna province" by the scientific and technological drawing room of henna province in 2001.With bear two of national" the Ninth five-Year Plan jointly by fodder by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, one shiwu scientific and technological brainstorm project.


Jointly develop ,produce with the key scientific research universities and colleges "baixing" and "Tendly" brand Hi-Tech new-type Origanum oil ( draw from the origanum vulgarel grass) betaine、garlicin、 organic copper、organic chromium、sodium dia-cetate、methionine copper、methionine iron、methionine zinc、methionine manganese etc. Series of products. Obtain the scientific and technological result first prize of Henan , The third-class scientific and technological progresses is rewarded ,advanced enterprise of Xiangcheng city scientific and technological , undertake the two scientific and technological brainstorm project of "the eighth five-Year Plan period provinces in dependently. Awarded to "outstanding private scientific and technological enterprise of Henna province" by the scientific and technological drawing room of henna province in 2001.With bear two of national" the Ninth five-Year Plan jointly by fodder by Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, one shiwu scientific and technological brainstorm project.


更多网络解释 与brainstorm相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


36、课程标准力求通过加强过程性、体验性目标,引导学生主动参与、亲身实践、独立思考、合作探究,发展学生_______. ( E? )不确定( ABCDE )40、"头脑风暴"(BrainsTorm)的活动, 其目的是________. ( AB )


MindManager X5是一套可视化的工具,可以让你在脑力激荡(brainstorm)和计划(plan)(idea)的整合. 提供许多的便笺(note-pads),挂图(flipcharts)和白板(white boards包含了搜索结果(search results)并且与其它站台做一个相当完整的链接(news feeds)MindManager X5的特色在於使用最前沿(cutting-edge)的工具来使头脑风暴和计划更


这个容易使用的版本对于集体讨论(brainstorm)、计划项目和创建看似专业的介绍是十分完美的. 与Microsoft Project和Microsoft Office Suite结合. 无缝结合(Seamless Integration)MindManager通过捕捉、组织您的想法,帮助您节省了时间,


当几个人进行围桌小组讨论,由於组员之间的开放心胸(open system),由互相脑力激荡(brainstorm)而产生高妙之结论 (即量子跳跃),远超过个人单独思考所能达到的成就.

Brainstorm Ideas:头脑风暴法

Bounded Rationality 有限理性 | Brainstorm Ideas 头脑风暴法 | Broadbanding Pay Structure 扁平薪资结构

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