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bookworm ['bukwə:m]


书呆子, 蛀书虫

更多 网络例句 与bookworm相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Bookworm boutique at the Qwest broke all records last year selling Berkshire-related books. An amazing 3500 of these were Poor Charlie's Almanack, the collected wisdom of my partner. This means that a copy was sold every 9 seconds. And for good reason: You will never find a book with more useful ideas. Word-of-mouth recommendations have caused Charlie's first printing of 20500 copies to sell out, and we will therefore have a revised and expanded edition on sale at our meeting. Among the other 22 titles and DVDs available last year at the Bookworm, 4597 copies were sold for $84746. Our shareholders are a bookseller's dream.


The Bookworm shop did a terrific business last year selling Berkshire-related books. Displaying 18 titles, they sold 2,920 copies for $61,000. Since we charge the shop no rent, it gives shareholders a 20% discount. This year I've asked The Bookworm to add Graham Allison's Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe, a must-read for those concerned with the safety of our country. In addition, the shop will premiere Poor Charlie's Almanack, a book compiled by Peter Kaufman. Scholars have for too long debated whether Charlie is the reincarnation of Ben Franklin. This book should settle the question.

去年书虫书店在会场设摊贩售 Berkshire 相关书籍,全部十八种,总计卖出 2,920 本,也因为摊位不收租金,所以股东买书都可以打八折,今年我特地要求书虫增加 Graham Allison 所着的核子恐怖主义-最终可避免的大灾难,这是所有关心国家安危必读的书籍,此外当天也会举行 Peter Kaufman 所着可怜查理的年鉴,一直以来许多学者都在争论查理是否为富兰克林再世,我想这本书或可解决大家的疑问。

The Bookworm shop did a terrific business last year selling Berkshire-related books. Displaying 18 titles, they sold 2920 copies for $61000. Since we charge the shop no rent, it gives shareholders a 20% discount. This year I've asked The Bookworm to add Graham Allison's Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe, a must-read for those concerned with the safety of our country. In addition, the shop will premiere Poor Charlie's Almanack, a book compiled by Peter Kaufman. Scholars have for too long debated whether Charlie is the reincarnation of Ben Franklin. This book should settle the question.

去年书虫书店在会场设摊贩售Berkshire相关书籍,全部十八种,总计卖出2920本,也因为摊位不收租金,所以股东买书都可以打八折,今年我特地要求书虫增加Graham Allison所著的核子恐怖主义-最终可避免的大灾难,这是所有关心国家安危必读的书籍,此外当天也会举行Peter Kaufman所著可怜查理的年鉴,一直以来许多学者都在争论查理是否为富兰克林再世,我想这本书或可解决大家的疑问。

更多网络解释 与bookworm相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


蛋头就是--书呆子(bookworm),这种人把伊丽莎白泰勒叫做李察波顿夫人(one who calls Elizabeth Taylor Mrs. Richard Burton),是非常"迂"的,迂就是unrealistic.




活动费用:老书虫(Bookworm)会员:¥30.00/人/次;非会员:¥50.00/人/次. (提前购票:30元/人/次, 现场购票:50元/人/次)



Bookworm Deluxe:(書蟲)

6. Big Money Deluxe(金錢遊戲) | 7. Bookworm Deluxe(書蟲) | 8. Dynomite Deluxe(恐龍蛋)

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