英语人>词典>英汉 : book profit的中文,翻译,解释,例句
book profit的中文,翻译,解释,例句

book profit

book profit的基本解释

[经] 帐面利润

更多网络例句与book profit相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To make sure all cost book in correct profit center, function area, account code and period


And the profit of a book is by books website, author and publisher are shared jointly actually.


If you could take some profit from this book,this is my honour.


It would be my honor that you can profit from this book.


This book will not profit an unthinking man.


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更多网络解释与book profit相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

book profit:帐面利润

book of original entry 原始分录帐薄 | book profit 帐面利润 | book rate of return帐面收益率

book profit:账面利润

book of account 帐簿 | book profit 账面利润 | book reserve 账面储备

book profit:账面利润,账面盈利

book of orginal entry 原始分录账簿 | book profit 账面利润,账面盈利 | book rate of return 账面收益率

book profit:帐面利益

book of secondary entry 轉記帳簿 | book profit 帳面利益 | book surplus 帳面盈餘

账面利润,账面盈利 book profit 账面利润,账面盈利:book profit

534 1 book of orginal entry 原始分录账簿 book of orginal entry 原始分... | 535 1 book profit 账面利润,账面盈利 book profit 账面利润,账面盈利 | 536 1 book rate of return 账面收益率 book rate of return 账...

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