blunt [blʌnt]
- blunt的基本解释
钝的, 坦率的, 麻痹的, 直爽的
- This knife is blunt.
- 这把刀钝。
- His isolation has made him blunt about the feelings of others.
- 他的孤立使他对别人的感情木然无知。
- A blunt knife draws no blood.
- 钝刀子割肉割不出血来。
- Let me ask a blunt question.
- 允许我问一个直率的问题。
- 相似词
- 拼写相近单词
- blunder
- blunderbuss
- blundered
- blunderer
- blunderers
- blunderful
- blunderhead
- blunderheaded
- blundering
- blunderingly
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- blunder against
- blunder away
- blunt所属的单词分类
Personal Qualities / 个人品质
above average · well-respected · short-tempered · drugged · cool · dextrous · crabby · zealous · wonderful · willing
- 更多 网络例句 与blunt相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Use pCR2.1-TOPO and pCR2.1-Blunt II TOPO vectors as models, we investigated the possibility to use TOPO T/A vector (pCR2.1-TOPO) to clone blunt-ended PCR product and to use TOPO blunt vector (PCR-Blunt II TOPO) to clone 3'-A PCR product.
以pCR2.1-TOPO与pCR2.1-Blunt II TOPO载体为模型,我们研究了利用TOPO T/A载体(pCR2.1-TOPO)克隆平端PCR产物与利用TOPO 平端载体(pCR2.1-Blunt II)克隆3'-A末端PCR产物的可能性。
The on-line wheel dressing monitoring experiments were made to investigate the bispectrum feature of acoustic emission signals when the diamond sharpness ratio was sharp, middle blunt and blunt, and a diamond blunt feature extraction method based on main diagonal slic...
Methods:After surface anesthetization in front of temporal bone of the equatorid plate conjuactional sac,incise 1mm and sever sclera,inject the Lidocame and bupivacame mixture 1 ml with 22 mm,bent,blunt,blunt needle by the way conjunctional sac,nucleus,equatori.
- 更多网络解释 与blunt相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
挥舞时的基准钝(blunt)器伤害为16,直刺时的基准钝器伤害为10. 首先是砍(cut)伤. 砍伤代表着利刃的切割动作,如剑或斧. 砍伤对没有护甲或轻甲的敌人有伤害奖励,但对重甲却有很大的伤害惩罚. 砍伤若使敌人生命值减到0,则会杀死他.
钝击武器(Blunt) 新手:做成基本攻击伤害. 学徒:得到熟练站立重击(Mastery Standing Power Attack)伤害奖励. 熟手:得到熟练左右重击(Mastery Left and Right Power Attack)伤害奖励,并且有机会令敌人缴械.
支配钝器(Blunt)、锐器(Blade)以及空手格斗(Hand to Hand)三项技能. ●智力:决定魔力值总量(智力x2=魔力值). 支配炼金术(Alchemy)、召唤系法术(Conjuration)以及通灵系法术(Mysticism)三项技能. ●意志:数值越高魔力恢复越快,
blunt obstacle 钝头障碍体 | blunt 钝的 | blunt 肥线型的
Emily Blunt:艾米莉.布朗特
继之前确认2009金球影帝米基-洛克(Mickey Rourke)和山姆-洛克威尔(Sam Rockwell)将在该片中出演坏人后,根据国外媒体消息,艾米莉-布朗特(Emily Blunt)也有望加盟该片扮演钢铁侠的女性敌人黑蜘蛛(Black Widow).
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