英语人>词典>英汉 : blue-green algae的中文,翻译,解释,例句
blue-green algae的中文,翻译,解释,例句

blue-green algae

blue-green algae的基本解释


更多网络例句与blue-green algae相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can I cook using water with blue-green algae in it?


The effects of frequency and magnetic strength on the cell viability and growth of blue-green algae Anabaena flos-aquae by pulsed electric magnetic field were studied.


Among the blue-green algae are many species of nitrogen fixation.


It can also get rid of spores and blue-green algae to provide clean drinking water.


The quality of their drinking supplies has been hit by an outbreak of blue-green algae.


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更多网络解释与blue-green algae相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blue-green algae:蓝绿藻

其它影响包括,蓝绿藻(Blue green algae)的过量繁殖会产生某些毒素,使生活用水的成本增加. 例:印度卡尔库塔市(Calcutta)没有一座污水处理厂,该城所有的生活污水都被排入东郊的一个经过改造的湿地复合体中. 这些污水被用来养鱼,

blue-green algae:蓝藻

Creac'h将标本寄给藻类学家Dangeard,Dangeard再转请Rich鉴定,鉴定证明"Dihe"的主要成分是一种螺旋形丝状蓝藻(blue green algae),并且含有独特的营养成份,种名为钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina Platensis﹞.

blue-green algae:蓝绿藻类

blue algae 蓝藻类 | blue green algae 蓝绿藻类 | blue gum 桉树蓝桉

blue-green algae:蓝绿藻 藍綠藻

bloom 水华 果粉; 白粉; 繁盛的 N | blue-green algae 蓝绿藻 藍綠藻 Y | body length 体长 體長 Y

Cyanophyceae; blue-green algae; Schizophyceae; Phycochromaceae:分裂藻类;蓝绿藻类;蓝藻类

含氰的 cyanophoric | 分裂藻类;蓝绿藻类;蓝藻类 Cyanophyceae; blue-green algae; Schizophyceae; Phycochromaceae | 蓝藻淀粉 cyanophycean starch

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