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blue sea的中文,翻译,解释,例句

blue sea

blue sea的基本解释


更多网络例句与blue sea相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sapphire color to正蓝without the smell is the top grade black, its colors arranged in order of market value in accordance with cornflower blue, sea blue, bright blue, sky blue , light blue, blue and gray, including cornflower blue because it is produced in Kashmir, also known as Kashmir sapphire, while Taiwan is the output of the sapphire in Sri Lanka special preferences, but the stones origin of good and bad should not be the sole criterion for only as a reference.


The blue whale's 1:1 model has been toured in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China and other countries. Coming to Farglory Ocean Park, people not only will have a better understanding of the blue whale, but they will also be able to see dolphins, sea lions, seals and sea cow, and gain more knowledge of their characteristics, feeding and life history.

在国家地理频道的努力接洽下,为台湾争取了为期最长一个月的展期,并也挑选最符合Big Blue主题的地点-海洋城市「花莲」,而远雄海洋公园更有幸成为主展场,如此珍贵的国际特展台湾仅此一场。

This was my first day in IBM as an intern. As I have heard, IBM is a blue sea. If a duck has the experience of swimming in the sea, it will be a blue duck. So IBMers are all blue ducks.


更多网络解释与blue sea相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

betweenthe devil and the blue sea:进退两难

5.易如反掌 as easy as rolling off a log | 6.进退两难 betweenthe devil and the blue sea | 7.直言不讳 to call a spade a spade

Chittue; Sea Anake; Blue-banded Sea Snake:海蛇 Hydrophis (青环海蛇)

114 蝮蛇 Agkistrodon Halys Pallas Pit Viper | 116 海蛇 Hydrophis (青环海蛇) Chittue; Sea Anake; Blue-banded Sea Snake | 128 灵猫香 Zibethum Civet

Sailing on a Silk Blue Sea:蓝海之路

02 Sacred Heart 神圣的心 | 03 Sailing on a Silk Blue Sea 蓝海之路 | 04 Lionel''s Song 莱昂内尔的歌